Class ProductStipulations


public class ProductStipulations extends Object
Additional filter stipulations for product fetch. Note, these are extra filters and results from the calling method may include only a subset of what is referenced here as a result of other filters in play (e.g. tenant filters, active production status filters, etc...). Stipulations are applied as a set of OR conditions, so any match of any of the stipulations designates a match for this set of conditions.
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected boolean
    Filter the results to only those products whose external ids matches these external ids, or products that are the parents of skus that match these external ids.
    Filter the results to only those products whose pricing keys match these pricing keys.
    Filter the results to only those products whose ids match these product ids.
    Filter the results to only those products whose default skus matches these skus, or products that are the parents of skus that match these skus.
    setExternalIds(List<String> externalIds)
    Filter the results to only those products whose external ids matches these external ids, or products that are the parents of skus that match these external ids.
    setPricingKeys(List<String> pricingKeys)
    Filter the results to only those products whose pricing keys match these pricing keys.
    setProductIds(List<String> productIds)
    Filter the results to only those products whose ids match these product ids.
    Filter the results to only those products whose default skus matches these skus, or products that are the parents of skus that match these skus.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • ProductStipulations

      public ProductStipulations()
  • Method Details

    • getExternalIds

      @Nullable public List<String> getExternalIds()
      Filter the results to only those products whose external ids matches these external ids, or products that are the parents of skus that match these external ids. Optional.
    • getSkus

      @Nullable public List<String> getSkus()
      Filter the results to only those products whose default skus matches these skus, or products that are the parents of skus that match these skus. Optional.
    • getPricingKeys

      @Nullable public List<String> getPricingKeys()
      Filter the results to only those products whose pricing keys match these pricing keys. Optional.
    • getProductIds

      @Nullable public List<String> getProductIds()
      Filter the results to only those products whose ids match these product ids. Optional.
    • setExternalIds

      public void setExternalIds(@Nullable List<String> externalIds)
      Filter the results to only those products whose external ids matches these external ids, or products that are the parents of skus that match these external ids. Optional.
    • setSkus

      public void setSkus(@Nullable List<String> skus)
      Filter the results to only those products whose default skus matches these skus, or products that are the parents of skus that match these skus. Optional.
    • setPricingKeys

      public void setPricingKeys(@Nullable List<String> pricingKeys)
      Filter the results to only those products whose pricing keys match these pricing keys. Optional.
    • setProductIds

      public void setProductIds(@Nullable List<String> productIds)
      Filter the results to only those products whose ids match these product ids. Optional.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object