
public class ProductReferences extends Object
Used by DefaultProductHydrationService to hold the references that need to be queried for in the data store.
Samarth Dhruva
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ProductReferences

      public ProductReferences()
  • Method Details

    • getProductIdsToFind

      public Set<String> getProductIdsToFind()
      If an item references a product (or products) that should be queried for, the referenced product ID(s) should be added to this set.
      See Also:
      • ResolvedProductReferences.productsById
    • getVariantIdsToFind

      public Set<String> getVariantIdsToFind()
      If an item references a variant (or variants) that should be queried for, the referenced variant ID(s) should be added to this set.
      See Also:
      • ResolvedProductReferences.variantsById
    • getProductIdsToFindPrimaryAssetsFor

      public Set<String> getProductIdsToFindPrimaryAssetsFor()
      If there are any products for which the primary asset should be queried, the IDs of those products should be added to this set.
      See Also:
      • ResolvedProductReferences.primaryAssetsByProductId
    • getProductIdsToFindPrimaryCategoriesFor

      public Set<String> getProductIdsToFindPrimaryCategoriesFor()
      If there are any products for which the primary category should be queried, the IDs of those products should be added to this set.
      See Also:
      • ResolvedProductReferences.primaryCategoriesByProductId
    • getCategoryIdsToFind

      public Set<String> getCategoryIdsToFind()
      If an item references a category (or categories) that should be queried for, the referenced category ID(s) should be added to this set.
      See Also:
      • ResolvedProductReferences.categoriesById
    • getDataDrivenEnumIdsToFind

      public Set<String> getDataDrivenEnumIdsToFind()
      If an item references a data driven enum that should be queried for, the referenced data driven enum ID(s) should be added to this set.
      See Also:
      • ResolvedProductReferences.dataDrivenEnumsById
    • getOptionTemplateIdstoFind

      public Set<String> getOptionTemplateIdstoFind()
      If an item references a product option that should be queried for, the referenced option template(s) should be added to this set.
      See Also:
      • ResolvedProductReferences.optionTemplatesById
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object