All Classes and Interfaces

AbstractAncillaryProductSingleIndexRequestMessageBuilder<D extends>
A common base for SingleIndexRequestMessageBuilder implementations specifically for persisted-domain counterparts of entities related to Product that need to trigger a reindex of a product.
The abstract service that is used to resolve collisions of the primary assets.
AbstractProductSingleIndexRequestMessageBuilder<D extends>
A common base for SingleIndexRequestMessageBuilder implementations specifically for persisted-domain counterparts of Product.
A "tag" represents a unique purchasing attribute for a product such "new", "on sale", "fairtrade", etc.
CRUD operations for Tags.
A light DTO that provides the minimal, key data from an AdvancedTag.
AdvancedTagRepository<D extends>
Handles peristence operations for Tags.
Service API for Tags.
Contributor responsible for the ProductDetail's advanced tags.
The SingleIndexRequest.payload used for index requests triggered from CRUD operations on persisted-domain-counterparts of entities related to Product.
Many entities have customizable dynamic attributes, and this class is intended to hold such values.
Customer-facing input to take in additional information about the product that they are purchasing.
A single value with a display, order and label within a AttributeChoice
Converts a AttributeChoiceValue to a Map row representation.
Transforms a list of JpaAttributeChoiceValue into a JSON object String and vice-versa.
Transforms a Map of String keys and JpaAttribute values into a JSON object String and vice versa.
Listen for augmentation changes from the metadata service.
DTO representing a single breadcrumb in a list used for navigating through a category's or product's hierarchy.
This contributor is responsible for the CategoryDetails' breadcrumbs.
This contributor is responsible for the ProductDetails' breadcrumbs.
Endpoint to use to resolve a browse entity such as a Product or Category when the caller only has a URL and does not know which type of entity it belongs to.
A structure representing a request for a commerce-facing browse page including identifying information for some browse entity such as a Product or Category for which to get details and interesting context information.
This service is responsible for retrieving ProductDetails or CategoryDetails for BrowseDetailsRequests.
A structure containing either a ProductDetails or a CategoryDetails for a BrowseDetailsRequest.
Represents a field that should be included in the mapping from a Product to a cart item.
CartFieldMappingRepository<D extends>
Repository for persistent counter-parts of CartFieldMapping
Service API for CartFieldMapping.
Configuration for components involved in bulk update operations.
Configuration for engaging default Broadleaf support for Apache Ignite cache
Properties that influence cache settings for the catalog service
This component attempts to resolve the default Currency for this request.
Default property overrides for Catalog Services
General exception handler registry for handlers not exclusive to a single controller.
The main Jpa auto configuration that initializes the out of the box Jpa repositories
Configuration for CategoryPersistenceConsumer and PersistenceProducer operations.
PersistenceHandler that synchronizes state changes in maintained applications/catalogs in the tenant service with this service.
Component to parse and convert Translation-related columns from a CompleteProductImportBatchHandler.RecordTypes.PRODUCT or CompleteProductImportBatchHandler.RecordTypes.VARIANTimport line.
Catalog-specific configuration for validation.
Registers components related to vendor visibility.
This contributor is responsible for the ProductDetails' parent categories.
Categories provide a way to group related Products for merchandising, marketing, and search results.
A payload object intended to hold a Category and a list of its ancestors.
Exception that is thrown when there was some error fetching the ancestors of a Category.
Returned by CategoryAncestryHydrationService in response to hydration requests.
A Category can have ancestors, starting with its direct parent defined in Category.parentCategory up to the top-level ancestor.
Represents a relationship between a Category and an Asset.
Endpoints for CRUD on CategoryAsset.
A custom DTO that is intended for the specific purpose of supporting PATCH for CategoryAsset.
CategoryAssetRepository<D extends>
Repository for persistent counter-parts of CategoryAsset.
Service API for CategoryAssets.
Validations for CategoryAsset.
A structure containing all the info necessary for a category details page or section shown in a commerce-facing app (as opposed to a PIM UI).
Information required to build CategoryDetails for a commerce-facing category details page or section.
Services implementing this interface should handle consolidating context information provided by CategoryDetailsContextContributor as needed.
Services implementing this interface are responsible for contributing a specific subset of information to a CategoryDetailsContext based on a CategoryDetailsRequest in order to retrieve all related entities in bulk operations rather than piece-meal for performance reasons.
Responsible for contributing a specific subset of information to a CategoryDetails based on a CategoryDetailsContext such as contributing the assets or contributing the breadcrumbs.
A structure representing a request for a commerce-facing category details page or section included identifying information for the category for which to get details and interesting context information.
Defines exceptions that can be thrown while responding to a CategoryDetailsRequest.
This service is responsible for retrieving CategoryDetails for CategoryDetailsRequests.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging input.
Clear the Category ancestors cache in CategoryProductConsolidationContributor if a production change has been made to a category.
A domain representing a relationship between Category and Product.
Component to parse and convert category-product-related columns from a CompleteProductImportBatchHandler.RecordTypes.PRODUCT import line.
Consolidates all directly linked and ancestor CategoryProducts into products.
When a CategoryProduct is persisted at the application catalog level, guarantee the entity instance is deposited in the product's catalog line, rather than the category's line, if different.
Converts a CategoryProduct to a Map row representation.
A CategoryProductMembershipType defines whether a Category has explicitly specified product members or a rule-based membership criteria.
CategoryProductRepository<D extends>
Repository for persistent counter-parts of CategoryProduct
Service API for CategoryProducts.
Validations for CategoryProduct.
CategoryRepository<D extends>
Service API for Categories.
Validations for Category.
Clone the CategoryAsset.
The configuration for the clone Category action.
Clone the CategoryProduct.
Clone the CategoryProduct.
The service manager that is used to clone the Category relationships.
The service that is used to clone the specified Category relationships.
This is the request DTO which should be sent as the request body of the clone Category request.
The service that is used to clone the Category.
The event, which is sent after the entity is cloned.
Clone the ProductAsset.
The configuration for the clone Product action.
Configuration properties for the NotificationHandler and RetryHandler related to CloneProductProducer
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging output.
The service manager that is used to clone the Product relationships.
The service that is used to clone the specified Product relationships.
This is the request DTO which should be sent as the request body of the clone Product request.
The service that is used to clone the Product.
Clone the Variant.
This is the handler intended to process batches for imports matching the CompleteProductImportSpecification in the import service.
Combined domain representing a product and its relations.
Post process a ConsolidatedProduct instance providing additional setup or data.
ContextualProductConsolidationContributor<P extends>
Supports ProductConsolidationContributor which consolidate ContextStateAware domain types into the product.
Useful constants and methods for export row conversion.
CustomizedCategoryAssetRepository<D extends>
Advanced functionality related to CategoryAsset maintenance and filtering.
CustomizedCategoryProductRepository<D extends>
Advanced functionality related to CategoryProduct maintenance and filtering.
CustomizedCategoryRepository<D extends>
Advanced functionality related to Category maintenance and filtering.
CustomizedDataDrivenEnumRepository<D extends>
Additional functionality for a DataDrivenEnumRepository.
CustomizedProductAssetRepository<D extends>
Advanced functionality related to ProductAsset maintenance and filtering.
CustomizedProductRepository<D extends>
Advanced functionality related to Product.
CustomizedProductTagRepository<D extends>
CustomizedPromotionalCategoryProductRepository<D extends>
Advanced functionality related to PromotionalCategoryProduct maintenance and filtering.
CustomizedVariantRepository<D extends>
Additional functionality for a VariantRepository.
A domain allowing dynamic enum management via the admin.
Consolidates all DataDrivenEnums and their Translations from Product.getBrand(), Product.getMerchandisingType(), and Product.getTargetDemographic() into products.
A structure containing all the info necessary for a data driven enum details section shown in a commerce-facing app (as opposed to a PIM UI).
Information required to build DataDrivenEnumDetails for a commerce-facing data driven enum details section.
A DTO that holds data driven enum references for bulk operations, and lists of failed request params.
A structure representing a request for a commerce-facing data driven enum details section included identifying information for the data driven enum for which to get details and interesting context information.
Defines exceptions that can be thrown while responding to a DataDrivenEnumDetailsRequest.
This service is responsible for retrieving DataDrivenEnumDetails for DataDrivenEnumDetailsRequests, and for gathering additional information for DataDrivenEnumDetails, such as checking for an associated category.
Operations that are performed for a DataDrivenEnum.
DataDrivenEnumRepository<D extends>
Repository for persistent counter-parts of DataDrivenEnums
Service API for DataDrivenEnums.
Basic validations for DataDrivenEnum.
A DefaultAttributeChoiceType defines what kind of information or allowed values a ProductOption represents.
The default product type validator that is used to validate the bundle products.
The default implementation of the AbstractPrimaryAssetCollisionService for the CategoryAsset
Default implementation for CloneCategoryRelationshipsManager.
Default implementation for CloneCategoryService.
Default implementation for CloneProductRelationshipsManager.
Default implementation for CloneProductService.
Default implementation of ConsolidatedProductPostProcessor.
Default values that are supported for processing.
Describes restrictions placed on the customer's ability to select items from the targeted set.
The possible types of targets a ItemChoice can have.
Out of the box merging types for Products.
The default types of prices that can be represented in a PriceInfo.
Out of the box forms that a ProductOption can take.
The default implementation of the AbstractPrimaryAssetCollisionService for the CategoryAsset
The possible types of targets a Product can have.
The default set of entities related to a Category that can be cloned.
The default set of the Product relationships that can be cloned.
The default validator that validates products whose type is DefaultProductType.SELECTOR.
Supported types for SpecificItemChoice.getType()
The default validator that is used to validate products whose types are DefaultProductType.STANDARD.
Defines the default positions a AdvancedTag is displayed on a component such as a Product's image.
Defines the type of a AdvancedTag.
Supported strategies determining when generic choices are validated.
Supported means of validating product options.
The default validator that is used to validate products whose types are DefaultProductType.VARIANT_BASED.
The export specification for the Dimensions class.
Capture common dimension fields when describing a Product or a Variant.
The export converter for the Dimensions class.
The different dimensional units for describing a Product
Responsible for generating all of the rows necessary to represent domain objects.
Represents a flat fulfillment rate (e.g., shipping price) for a particular fulfillable item (e.g., Product, Variant) and fulfillment option (e.g., standard shipping).
Transforms a Map of String keys and JpaFulfillmentFlatRate values into a JSON object String and vice versa.
A IncludedProduct represents a bundling of additional items with a parent product.
Holds asset information for an IncludedProduct.
Utility methods for IncludedProductDetails created for the response to a ProductDetailsRequest.
A version of IncludedProduct tailored toward the needs of a commerce-facing product details page.
Converts an IncludedProduct to a Map row representation.
Transforms a list of JpaIncludedProduct into a JSON object String and vice-versa.
This contributor is responsible for all of a ProductDetails' included products.
The possible types of targets a IncludedProduct can have.
Transforms a list of String into a JSON object String and vice-versa.
Exception thrown when attempting to delete a parent Category which still contains children.
Error thrown when an operation is performed on a category with an incompatible product membership type.
Exception that is thrown when the parent category specified for a Category doesn't exist.
Exception that is thrown when an invalid product is specified in requests to create PromotionalProduct or PromotionalCategoryProduct or CategoryProduct.
Exception handler for InvalidRelatedProductException.
Enumerated values that describe when to trigger an inventory availability check.
Enumerated values that describe when to trigger an inventory reservation.
Used to distinguish the ways that a Product's/Variant's inventory is represented.
Configuration state for DefaultProductOptionType.ITEM_CHOICE.
Performs logic to handle if a product with required item choices has all item choices available for purchase.
Consolidates of all the context info for item choice categories onto those categories.
A structure containing the details of an ItemChoice targeting a category useful for a commerce-facing product details page.
A version of ItemChoice tailored toward the needs of a commerce-facing product details page.
Contributes all the related products, related variants, and specific choice categories for the item choice hierarchy.
Support class with convenience methods for criteria-building functionality common to custom JPA repository implementations.
Persistent counter-part to an Attribute for use with a JPA datastore.
Persistent counterpart to AttributeChoice.
Persistent counterpart to AttributeChoiceValue
JPA domain-specific implementation of CartFieldMappingRepository.
Persistent counter-part to a Category for use with a JPA datastore.
Jpa provider-specific implementation of CategoryAssetRepository.
JpaCategoryAsset.tags are meant to be query-able and individually modifiable, and thus it is necessary to maintain them in a separate table.
The ID class representing the composite key for JpaCategoryAssetTag.
Persistent counter-part to a CategoryProduct for use with a JPA datastore.
JPA domain-specific implementation of CategoryProductRepository.
A SingleIndexRequestMessageBuilder for JpaCategoryProduct.
Domain specific repository declaration.
Support class with convenience methods for criteria-building functionality common to custom JPA repository implementations.
JPA domain-specific implementation of DataDrivenEnumRepository.
Persistent counter-part to an FulfillmentFlatRate for use with a JPA datastore.
Persistent counter-part to a IncludedProduct for use with a JPA datastore.
The persisted counterpart to a IncludedProductAsset for use with a JPA datastore.
Persistent counterpart to ItemChoice.
Persistent counter-part to a OptionTemplate for use with a JPA datastore.
Persistent counter-part to a OptionTemplateGroup for use with a JPA datastore.
JPA domain-specific implementation of OptionTemplateGroupRepository.
JPA domain-specific implementation of OptionTemplateRepository.
JPA domain-specific implementation of ProductAssetRepository.
A SingleIndexRequestMessageBuilder for JpaProductAsset.
JpaProductAsset.tags are meant to be query-able and individually modifiable, and thus it is necessary to maintain them in a separate table.
The ID class representing the composite key for JpaProductAssetTag.
JpaProduct.getOptions() stores its options as a serialized list because there is no need to use option fields in JpaProduct query criteria.
A SingleIndexRequestMessageBuilder specifically for JpaProduct.
A SingleIndexRequestMessageBuilder for JpaProductTag.
Persistent counter-part to a PromotionalCategoryProduct for use with a JPA datastore.
JPA domain-specific implementation of PromotionalCategoryProductRepository.
Persistent counter-part to a PromotionalProduct for use with a JPA datastore.
JPA domain-specific implementation of PromotionalProductRepository.
A SingleIndexRequestMessageBuilder for JpaPromotionalProduct.
Persistent counterpart to SpecificItemChoice.
The persisted counterpart to a SpecificItemChoiceAsset for use with a JPA datastore.
Represents a pricing override to be used for a JpaSpecificItemChoice if a specific variant of the parent product is added to the cart along with the item choice.
A SingleIndexRequestMessageBuilder for JpaTranslation.
JPA-persisted counterpart to a Variant
A SingleIndexRequestMessageBuilder for JpaVariant.
Intended to hold the values from CriteriaContext.getLinkedQuery() and CriteriaContext.getLinkedNarrowingParams() after processing RSQL filters.
Strip out (or transform) information for a product details request before passing back to the caller.
A simple alternative to SortPositionRequest that is optimized for create endpoints (which will not have an SortPositionRequest.updateContextId) who want to distinguish between requests that want to apply an initial sort and those who don't.
DTO representing a request to generate a Product's options from a OptionTemplate or OptionTemplateGroup.
Service responsible for generation a Product's options from an OptionTemplate or OptionTemplateGroup.
Defines the types of generations that can be used to generate Product.getOptions() from an admin tool or programmatically.
Allows the creation of a ProductOption from this template, allowing users to avoid recreating the same option for multiple products over and over again.
An "option template group" represents a grouping of related OptionTemplate.
Responsible for performing simple hydration of the references to OptionTemplates made within an OptionTemplateGroup by querying for those references and populating their full values.
Reduced version of an OptionTemplateGroup used to pass along the OptionTemplateGroup.getId() to use in generating options for a Product.
OptionTemplateGroupRepository<D extends>
Repository for persistent counter-parts of ProductOptionGroups
Base service API for ProductOptionGroups.
Validations for OptionTemplateGroup.
Contributor responsible for consolidating OptionTemplates referenced by Products' Options.
Reduced version of an OptionTemplate used to pass along the OptionTemplate.getId() to use in generating options for a Product.
Determine whether the Product.getOptions() generated from this template will reference the template by default.
OptionTemplateRepository<D extends>
Repository for persistent counter-parts of ProductOptions
Base service API for ProductOptions.
Validations for OptionTemplate.
Pricing information for a target (e.g., Product or Variant), providing the target, best price, and some details about the other candidate prices.
Utility methods for PriceInfos created for the response to a ProductDetailsRequest.
This contributor is responsible for the ProductDetails' price info.
Summary of the info for a specific type of price (e.g., salePrice).
An interface for any relationship between the asset and the entity that can be primary.
Consolidates primary ProductAsset into products.
The main domain that the Broadleaf Catalog is based around.
Represents a relationship between a Product and an Asset.
Endpoints for CRUD on ProductAsset.
A custom DTO that is intended for the specific purpose of supporting PATCH for ProductAsset.
Converts a ProductAsset to a Map row representation.
ProductAssetRepository<D extends>
Repository for persistent counter-parts of ProductAsset.
Service API for ProductAssets.
Contributor responsible for the ProductDetails' assets
Validations for ProductAsset.
A BulkUpdateProcessor for bulk update operations on BulkUpdateTarget.PRODUCT.
The bulk update types that are supported by this processor.
The event, which is sent after the Product is cloned.
Populates extra data into the ConsolidatedProduct.
Provides utility support for operations performed throughout Product Consolidation.
A structure containing all the info necessary for a product details page shown in a commerce-facing app (as opposed to a PIM UI).
Information required to build ProductDetails for a commerce-facing product details page.
Services implementing this interface should handle consolidating context information provided by ProductDetailsContextContributors as needed such as consolidating product assets onto the related products.
Services implementing this interface are responsible for contributing a specific subset of information to a ProductDetailsContext based on a ProductDetailsRequest such as the related category, product, and variants in order to retrieve all related entities in bulk operations rather than piece-meal for performance reasons.
Responsible for contributing a specific subset of information to a ProductDetails based on a ProductDetailsContext such as contributing the assets or contributing the pricing info.
A DTO that holds product references for bulk operations, and lists of failed request params.
A structure representing a request for a commerce-facing product details page including identifying information for the product for which to get details and interesting context information.
Defines exceptions that can be thrown while responding to a ProductDetailsRequest.
This service is responsible for retrieving ProductDetails for ProductDetailsRequests.
Operations that are performed for a Product and PromotionalProducts
An ExportProcessor for exports of Product.
Converts a Product to a Map row representation.
ExportRowProducer implementation for Product.
These are headers that the row producer itself will add by default.
These are the different line types that the row producer will assign for the different exported rows.
Responsible for performing simple hydration of references within Products by querying for those references and populating their full values.
Component to parse and convert image-related columns from a CompleteProductImportBatchHandler.RecordTypes.PRODUCT import line.
A "product option" encapsulates additional, variable information about a Product explicitly designed for customer-facing input.
Utility methods for ProductOptionDetails created for the response to a ProductDetailsRequest.
A version of ProductOption tailored toward the needs of a commerce-facing product details page.
Converts a ProductOption to a Map row representation.
Transforms a list of JpaProductOption into a JSON object String and vice-versa.
This contributor is responsible for all of a ProductDetails' product options.
Validations for ProductOption.
Simple structure representing the output of generating option/value combinations
Used to generate combinations from a list of product options and their allowed values.
Used by DefaultProductHydrationService to hold the references that need to be queried for in the data store.
ProductRepository<D extends>
Row converter to convert a Map (or row from a CSV file) into a Product.
Properties that can be provided in a product option column to configure an option.
The SingleIndexRequest.payload used for index requests triggered from CRUD operations on persisted-domain-counterparts of Product.
A structure containing the most used subset of product information that can be used in commerce-facing product list pages or components (as opposed to a PIM UI).
This defines the relationship between a Product or Variant and AdvancedTag.
Converts a ProductTag to a Map row representation.
Endpoint for managing ProductTags from a Product context.
ProductTagRepository<D extends>
Handles persistence operations for ProductTags.
Service API for ProductTags.
Endpoint for managing ProductTags from an AdvancedTag context.
Endpoint for managing ProductTags from a Variant context.
Class just for processing Product consolidation to allow storing both a translation for a related Product domain, and the ID of the product it belongs to.
The validator is used to validate the products with the specified types.
Validations for Product.
A join entity that associates Categories to Products in a many to many relationship, with additional marketing-related information about the association.
PromotionalCategoryProductRepository<D extends>
Repository for persistent counter-parts of PromotionalCategoryProducts.
A structure containing the most used subset of promotional category product information that can be used in commerce-facing product list pages or components (as opposed to a PIM UI).
A join entity that associates Products to each other in a many to many relationship, including additional information about the association.
PromotionalProductRepository<D extends>
Repository for persistent counter-parts of PromotionalProducts
Service API for PromotionalProducts.
Contributor responsible for the ProductDetails' promotional products.
Validations for PromotionalProduct.
Contributes all of the related Categories to the ProductDetailsContext.
Contributes all of the related CategoryAssets to the CategoryDetailsContext.
Contributes all of the related DataDrivenEnums to the ProductDetailsContext.
Generates ProductOptions onto the related products using the OptionTemplates that they reference.
Contributes all of the related ProductAssets to the CategoryDetailsContext.
Contributes all of the related ProductAssets to the ProductDetailsContext.
Consolidates all of the context info for related products onto those products.
Contributes all of the related Products to the CategoryDetailsContext.
Consolidates all of the context info for related products onto those products.
Contributes all of the related products and categories' products to the ProductDetailsContext.
Contributes all of the related ProductTags to the CategoryDetailsContext.
Contributes all of the related ProductTags to the ProductDetailsContext.
Contributes all of the related PromotionalProducts to the ProductDetailsContext.
Consolidates all of the context info for related promotional products onto those products.
Consolidates all of the context info for related promotional products onto those products.
Consolidates all of the context info for related variants onto those variants.
Contributes all of the related Variants to the CategoryDetailsContext.
Consolidates all of the context info for related variants onto those variants.
Contributes all of the related Variants to the ProductDetailsContext.
Used by the DefaultProductHydrationService to hold the results of querying for the references.
A structure containing a summary of a product's or variant's reviews.
Service to parse RSQL Nodes and evaluate the query rules against a product.
A small representation of a Sku, used in responses to obtaining all skus for a product
Parameters that can be used to drive the generation of variants
Responsible for generating Skus for a OptionTemplateGroup.
When a ItemChoice is determined to be a DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.SPECIFIC_PRODUCTS or DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.SPECIFIC_VARIANTS, this holds the relationship that the customer should select from
Holds asset information for a SpecificItemChoice.
A version of SpecificItemChoice tailored toward the needs of a commerce-facing product details page.
Converts a SpecificItemChoice to a Map row representation.
Transforms a list of JpaSpecificItemChoice into a JSON object String and vice-versa.
Represents a pricing override to be used for a SpecificItemChoice if a specific variant of the parent product is added to the cart along with the item choice.
A version of SpecificItemVariantPricing tailored toward the needs of a commerce-facing product details page.
An EntityAsset related to an AdvancedTag that should display as a badge on a storefront.
Converter that can convert from the given type to a String.
Consolidates Translations into products.
Updates the product and variant prices.
Support class containing various helpful methods surrounding URL-related logic.
Variants can help further identify the specifics of a Product by narrowing down the Sku via additional user data.
A version of Variant tailored toward the needs of a commerce-facing product details page.
Endpoints that only deal with Variants.
Converts a Variant to a Map row representation.
Consolidates Variants into products.
VariantRepository<D extends>
Component to covert an import record into a ConversionUtils.ConversionResponse containing a Variant for persistence.
Properties that can be provided in individual option value tokens in VariantRowConverter.VariantProperties.OPTIONS_HEADER.
The main service dealing with accessing Variants from a backing store
Contributor responsible for the ProductDetails' variants.
Validations for Variant.
This contributor is responsible for populating ProductDetails.getVendorRef()
Sizing attributes of a Product or Variant
The export converter for the Weight class.
The export specification for the Weight class.
Units for weight