Class DefaultProductHydrationService

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultProductHydrationService extends Object implements ProductHydrationService
Samarth Dhruva (samarthd)
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • hydrate

      public Product hydrate(@NonNull @NonNull Product unhydrated, @Nullable contextInfo)
      Description copied from interface: ProductHydrationService
      Gets the IDs of items that are referenced by the unhydrated product, finds the referenced items in the data store, and then replaces each item reference on the product with the fully-populated representation of the item.

      The class-level javadoc above describes the references which will be hydrated by default.

      Specified by:
      hydrate in interface ProductHydrationService
      unhydrated - the unhydrated product whose references should be hydrated
      the product after applying the hydration
    • determineReferences

      protected void determineReferences(Product product, ProductReferences references)
      Traverses through the product and populates the references with each referenced ID.
      product - the product whose references should be examined
      references - each item that the product makes a reference to will be added to this object
    • determineReferences

      protected void determineReferences(@Nullable DataDrivenEnum dataDrivenEnum, ProductReferences references)
    • determineReferences

      protected void determineReferences(IncludedProduct includedProduct, ProductReferences references)
    • determineReferences

      protected void determineReferences(ProductOption productOption, ProductReferences references)
    • determineReferences

      protected void determineReferences(ItemChoice itemChoice, ProductReferences references)
    • determineReferences

      protected void determineReferences(SpecificItemChoice specificChoice, ProductReferences references)
    • findReferences

      protected ResolvedProductReferences findReferences(ProductReferences references, @Nullable contextInfo)
      Queries for all of the references in references and returns the results.
      references - all of the references that need to be found in the data store
      contextInfo - context information surrounding sandboxing and multitenant state
      the results of querying for the referenced items
    • applyHydration

      protected Product applyHydration(Product product, ResolvedProductReferences foundItems)
      Traverses through the product and replaces each item reference with the fully-populated representation of the reference as found in foundItems.

      If a reference was not found, an error will be logged.

      product - the product whose references should be hydrated
      foundItems - the results of querying for references in the data store
      the given product after hydrating its references
    • setProductPrimaryAssetIfFound

      protected void setProductPrimaryAssetIfFound(Product product, ResolvedProductReferences foundItems)
    • setProductPrimaryCategoryIfFound

      protected void setProductPrimaryCategoryIfFound(Product product, ResolvedProductReferences foundItems)
    • setProductDataDrivenEnumFieldsIfFound

      protected void setProductDataDrivenEnumFieldsIfFound(Product product, ResolvedProductReferences foundItems)
    • applyHydration

      protected void applyHydration(@Nullable DataDrivenEnum dataDrivenEnum, String hydrationTarget, ResolvedProductReferences foundItems)
    • applyHydration

      protected void applyHydration(IncludedProduct includedProduct, ResolvedProductReferences foundItems)
    • applyHydration

      protected ProductOption applyHydration(ProductOption option, ResolvedProductReferences foundItems)
      Traverses through the option and replaces each item reference with the fully-populated representation of the reference as found in foundItems.

      If a reference was not found, an error will be logged.

      option - the product option whose references should be hydrated
      foundItems - the results of querying for references in the data store
      the given option after hydrating its references
    • applyHydration

      protected void applyHydration(ItemChoice itemChoice, ResolvedProductReferences foundItems)
    • applyHydration

      protected void applyHydration(SpecificItemChoice specificChoice, ResolvedProductReferences foundItems)
    • hydrate

      public<Product> hydrate(@NonNull @NonNull<Product> unhydrated, @Nullable contextInfo)
      Description copied from interface: ProductHydrationService
      Gets the IDs of items that are referenced by each product, finds the referenced items in the data store, and then replaces each item reference on the product with the fully-populated representation of the item.

      A page of those hydrated products is then returned.

      The class-level javadoc above describes the references which will be hydrated by default.

      Specified by:
      hydrate in interface ProductHydrationService
      unhydrated - the page of unhydrated products whose references should be hydrated
      contextInfo - context information surrounding sandboxing and multitenant state
      a page of the hydrated products
    • hydratePrimaryAssets

      public<Product> hydratePrimaryAssets(<Product> unhydrated, @Nullable contextInfo)
      Description copied from interface: ProductHydrationService
      Specifically finds and hydrates the Product.primaryAsset of each product in the given page.
      Specified by:
      hydratePrimaryAssets in interface ProductHydrationService
      unhydrated - the page of unhydrated products whose primary assets should be hydrated
      contextInfo - context information surrounding sandboxing and multitenant state
      a page of the hydrated products
    • hydrate

      public ProductOption hydrate(ProductOption unhydrated, @Nullable contextInfo)
      Description copied from interface: ProductHydrationService
      Gets the IDs of items that are referenced by the unhydrated option, finds the referenced items in the data store, and then replaces each item reference on the option with the fully-populated representation of the item.

      The class-level javadoc above describes the references which will be hydrated by default.

      Specified by:
      hydrate in interface ProductHydrationService
      unhydrated - the unhydrated option whose references should be hydrated
      contextInfo - context information surrounding sandboxing and multitenant state
      the option after applying the hydration
    • hydrateDefaultVariant

      protected void hydrateDefaultVariant(ResolvedProductReferences foundItems, contextInfo)
    • getProductService

      protected ProductService<Product> getProductService()
    • getProductAssetService

      protected ProductAssetService<ProductAsset> getProductAssetService()
    • getVariantService

      protected VariantService<Variant> getVariantService()
    • getCategoryService

      protected CategoryService<Category> getCategoryService()
    • getCategoryProductService

      protected CategoryProductService<CategoryProduct> getCategoryProductService()
    • getDataDrivenEnumService

      protected DataDrivenEnumService<DataDrivenEnum> getDataDrivenEnumService()
    • getOptionTemplateService

      protected OptionTemplateService<OptionTemplate> getOptionTemplateService()
    • getTypeFactory

      protected com.broadleafcommerce.common.extension.TypeFactory getTypeFactory()