Class DefaultCartItemCatalogInformationService<P extends Product>

    • Method Detail

      • populateCatalogItemInformation

        public com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.CartItem populateCatalogItemInformation​(@NonNull
                                                                                                @NonNull com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.CartItem cartItem,
                                                                                                @NonNull CatalogItemList<? extends CatalogItem> catalogItemList,
                                                                                                boolean isAdd,
        Description copied from interface: CartItemCatalogInformationService
        Populate catalog information within the CartItem based on the provided CatalogItem and the merchandising context
        Specified by:
        populateCatalogItemInformation in interface CartItemCatalogInformationService<P extends Product>
        cartItem - The CartItem that is to be updated with catalog item data
        catalogItemList - The catalog items that were retrieved for the add-to-cart, including dependent catalog items
        isAdd - Whether we are in an add-to-cart flow
        contextInfo - Context information around sandbox and multitenant state
        the updated CartItem that now contains CatalogItem data
      • populateCatalogItemInformation

        public com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.CartItem populateCatalogItemInformation​(@NonNull
                                                                                                @NonNull com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.CartItem cartItem,
                                                                                                P product,
                                                                                                @NonNull List<P> catalogItemList,
                                                                                                boolean isAdd,
        Description copied from interface: CartItemCatalogInformationService
        Populate catalog information within the CartItem based on the provided CatalogItem and the merchandising context
        Specified by:
        populateCatalogItemInformation in interface CartItemCatalogInformationService<P extends Product>
        cartItem - The CartItem that is to be updated with catalog item data
        product - The CatalogItem that this CartItem is intended to represent
        catalogItemList - The catalog items that were retrieved for the add-to-cart, including dependent catalog items
        isAdd - Whether we are in an add-to-cart flow
        contextInfo - Context information around sandbox and multitenant state
        the updated CartItem that now contains CatalogItem data
      • identifyProductForCartItem

        protected Optional<P> identifyProductForCartItem​(@NonNull
                                                         @NonNull com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.CartItem cartItem,
                                                         @NonNull CatalogItemList<? extends CatalogItem> catalogItemList)
      • getDataDrivenEnumId

        protected String getDataDrivenEnumId​(@Nullable
                                             DataDrivenEnum dataDrivenEnum)
      • cleanPriceInfo

        protected com.broadleafcommerce.pricing.client.domain.PriceInfo cleanPriceInfo​(@NonNull
                                                                                       @NonNull com.broadleafcommerce.pricing.client.domain.PriceInfo priceInfo)
        Exclude PriceableTarget information from the PriceInfo as it's unnecessary to calculate pricing.
        priceInfo - The price info to clean up for addition to CartItem attributes
        The price info with target information excluded
      • getPricingKey

        protected String getPricingKey​(@NonNull
                                       P product,
                                       @NonNull com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.CartItem cartItem)
        Returns the product price key, if specified, otherwise retrieves it from the cart item or generates a new one. This in general only needed for the DefaultProductType.MERCHANDISING_PRODUCT as it doesn't have the SKU and pricing key.
        product - the product to get the pricing key from
        cartItem - the cart item to get the pricing key from
        the pricing key
      • getImageAssetForProduct

        protected com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.ImageAssetRef getImageAssetForProduct​(@NonNull
                                                                                                 P product)
      • getImageAssetForVariant

        protected com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.ImageAssetRef getImageAssetForVariant​(@NonNull
                                                                                                 @NonNull Variant variant,
                                                                                                 P product)
      • getCategoryIdsForProduct

        protected Set<String> getCategoryIdsForProduct​(@NonNull
                                                       P product)
      • populateVariantInformation

        protected void populateVariantInformation​(@NonNull
                                                  @NonNull com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.CartItem cartItem,
                                                  @NonNull Variant variant,
                                                  @NonNull Map<String,​com.broadleafcommerce.pricing.client.domain.PriceInfo> skuPriceInfos)
      • buildItemAttributeChoices

        protected Map<String,​com.broadleafcommerce.order.common.domain.AttributeChoiceValue> buildItemAttributeChoices​(@NonNull
                                                                                                                             @NonNull Map<String,​String> requestItemAttributeChoices)
      • populateAttributeChoiceLabelsFromOptions

        protected void populateAttributeChoiceLabelsFromOptions​(@NonNull
                                                                @NonNull com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.CartItem cartItem,
                                                                P product)
      • populateDependentItemInformation

        protected void populateDependentItemInformation​(@NonNull
                                                        @NonNull com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.CartItem cartItem,
                                                        P product,
                                                        @NonNull List<P> products,
                                                        boolean isAdd)
      • populateDependentItemInformation

        protected void populateDependentItemInformation​(@NonNull
                                                        @NonNull com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.CartItem cartItem,
                                                        P product,
                                                        @NonNull List<P> products,
                                                        boolean isAdd,
      • hydrateIncludedProductDependentItems

        protected void hydrateIncludedProductDependentItems​(@NonNull
                                                            @NonNull com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.CartItem cartItem,
                                                            @NonNull List<com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.CartItem> potentialDependentItems,
                                                            P product,
                                                            boolean isAdd)
        Populate IncludedProduct information on CartItem.getDependentCartItems() based on the product configuration.
        cartItem - The cart item on which to populate dependent item product configuration information.
        potentialDependentItems - The list of CartItem.getDependentCartItems() to pick from to find a match for an IncludedProduct.
        product - The product with configuration to be used for hydration.
        isAdd - Whether we are in an add-to-cart flow
      • hydrateItemChoiceDependentItems

        protected void hydrateItemChoiceDependentItems​(@NonNull
                                                       @NonNull com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.CartItem cartItem,
                                                       @NonNull List<com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.CartItem> potentialDependentItems,
                                                       P product)
        Populate ItemChoice information on CartItem.getDependentCartItems() based on the product configuration.
        cartItem - The cart item on which to populate dependent item product configuration information.
        potentialDependentItems - The list of CartItem.getDependentCartItems() to pick from to find a match for an ItemChoice.
        product - The product with configuration to be used for hydration.
      • setCartItemProductServiceProperties

        public void setCartItemProductServiceProperties​(CartItemProductServiceProperties cartItemProductServiceProperties)