Interface ResetPasswordFormValidator<P extends PasswordToken>

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ResetPasswordFormValidator<P extends PasswordToken>
Interface for validation of a ResetPasswordForm. This is generally a form submitted by a user from a UI.
Nathan Moore (nathanmoore).
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    validate(List<P> tokens, ResetPasswordForm resetPasswordForm, org.springframework.validation.Errors errors)
    Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
    Since 1.8.0-GA.
    validate(List<P> tokens, ResetPasswordForm resetPasswordForm, org.springframework.validation.Errors errors, User user)
    Validates a password reset form.
  • Method Details

    • validate

      @Deprecated(since="1.7.2", forRemoval=true) void validate(List<P> tokens, ResetPasswordForm resetPasswordForm, org.springframework.validation.Errors errors)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Validates a password reset form. When resetting a password, this is where validation of password requirements should be performed.
      tokens - A list of password tokens belonging to a user.
      resetPasswordForm - The reset password form.
      errors - An errors object to populate if validation fails.
      See Also:
    • validate

      void validate(List<P> tokens, ResetPasswordForm resetPasswordForm, org.springframework.validation.Errors errors, User user)
      Validates a password reset form. When resetting a password, this is where validation of password requirements should be performed.
      tokens - A list of password tokens belonging to a user.
      resetPasswordForm - The reset password form.
      errors - An errors object to populate if validation fails.
      user - The user changing their password.
      See Also: