Interface PasswordTokenValidator<P extends PasswordToken>

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface PasswordTokenValidator<P extends PasswordToken>
This validator performs various checks on the validity of a password token compared to that of a set of password tokens that belong to a user.
Nathan Moore (nathanmoore).
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • exists

      boolean exists(String token, Collection<P> passwordTokens)
    • isUsed

      boolean isUsed(String token, Collection<P> passwordTokens)
    • isExpired

      boolean isExpired(String token, Collection<P> passwordTokens)
    • isValid

      boolean isValid(String token, Collection<P> passwordTokens)
      Performs all checks
      token - the token to validate
      passwordTokens - A set of tokens belonging to a user
      if the given token is valid for the given user