Interface UserLoginAttemptService<P extends UserLoginAttempt>

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface UserLoginAttemptService<P extends UserLoginAttempt>
Service for managing user login attempts. This service should be used when performing CRUD operations using login attempts. Generally, login attempts should not be created directly, but instead allow UserLockoutService to manage creation of login attempts.
  • Method Details

    • countConsideredUserLoginAttempts

      int countConsideredUserLoginAttempts(String username, String authServerId, Duration age)
      Count number of user login attempts for a specific period of time (e.g. for the last 24 hours)
      username - The username used in the login attempt
      authServerId - The auth server id
      age - The period of time
      The number of failed login attempts
    • countConsideredUserLoginAttempts

      int countConsideredUserLoginAttempts(String username, String authServerId)
      Read the number of failed login attempts
      username - The username to read for
      authServerId - The auth server ID
      The number of failed login attempts
    • readConsideredUserLoginAttempts

      List<P> readConsideredUserLoginAttempts(String username, String authServerId, Duration age)
      Read user login attempts for a specific period of time (e.g. for the last 24 hours)
      username - The username used in the login attempt
      authServerId - The auth server id
      age - The period of time
      The number of failed login attempts
    • createUserLoginAttempt

      P createUserLoginAttempt(String username, @Nullable String userId, String loginAttemptResult, String authServerId)
      Create a new user login attempt.
      username - The username
      userId - The user ID. Optional
      loginAttemptResult - The login result. See LoginAttemptResult
      authServerId - The auth server id
      The newly create user login attempt
    • resetLoginAttempts

      void resetLoginAttempts(String username, String authServerId)
      Reset user login attempts for a specific username and auth server ID. This should generally be called on a successful login attempt
      username - The username to reset login attempts for
      authServerId - The auth server ID
    • purgeLoginAttempts

      void purgeLoginAttempts(Duration loginAttemptAge, @Nullable String authServerId)
      Purges any login attempts older than the specified duration.
      loginAttemptAge - The age of login attempts to purge. Any attempts greater than or equal to this age will be deleted.
      authServerId - The auth server ID of login attempts to purge. Optional.