Interface CustomizedUserPermissionRepository<D>

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
JpaUserPermissionRepository<D>, UserPermissionRepository<D>
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CustomizedUserPermissionRepository<D> extends com.broadleafcommerce.common.extension.DomainTypeAware
Additional functionality necessary for UserPermissionRepository.
Samarth Dhruva (samarthd)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    createOnlyIfDoesNotExist(D permission, Instant lastUpdated)
    A specialized create operation for creating an entity with a pre-defined id with the minimum guarantee that concurrent requests to this method for the same entity ID will fail.
    replaceOnlyIfLastUpdatedBefore(String entityId, D permission, Instant lastUpdated)
    A specialized replace operation that does not invoke the "save" create-or-update behavior.

    Methods inherited from interface com.broadleafcommerce.common.extension.DomainTypeAware

  • Method Details

    • createOnlyIfDoesNotExist

      @Nullable D createOnlyIfDoesNotExist(D permission, Instant lastUpdated)
      A specialized create operation for creating an entity with a pre-defined id with the minimum guarantee that concurrent requests to this method for the same entity ID will fail.

      This is intended to be used in concurrent scenarios where only one operation should succeed.

      Note that this method should create the record with the provided UserPermission.archived value, even if it is true.

      permission - the permission to create. Must have a non-null id present.
      lastUpdated - the UserPermission.lastUpdated to set on the permission
      the permission if successfully created, null otherwise
    • replaceOnlyIfLastUpdatedBefore

      @Nullable D replaceOnlyIfLastUpdatedBefore(String entityId, D permission, Instant lastUpdated)
      A specialized replace operation that does not invoke the "save" create-or-update behavior. This operation should directly attempt an atomic update that the data store will reject if the entity is not found or has a lastUpdated ahead of the current change.

      This is intended to be used in concurrent scenarios where only one operation should succeed.

      Note that this update should succeed even if the existing record is UserPermission.archived.

      Note that this method should also set the provided UserPermission.archived value, even if it is true.

      entityId - the id of the entity to replace
      permission - the replacement entity
      lastUpdated - the timestamp of the current change. This will be compared to the lastUpdated on the existing entity for determination of whether the replacement should occur. Furthermore, the replacement will have its UserPermission.lastUpdated set to this value.
      the permission after replacement if successfully replaced, or null if the entity was not found or could not be updated due to its lastUpdated value.