Class DefaultUserPasswordService<P extends PasswordToken,​U extends User,​D extends &>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DefaultUserPasswordService<P extends PasswordToken,​U extends User,​D extends &>
    extends Object
    implements UserPasswordService<P,​U>
    Chad Harchar (charchar)
    • Method Detail

      • resetPassword

        public boolean resetPassword​(ResetPasswordForm resetPasswordForm,
                                     org.springframework.validation.BindingResult errors)
        Description copied from interface: UserPasswordService
        From the provided ResetPasswordForm, attempt to reset the user's password. If a failure occurs, errors will be populated on BindingResult and `false` is returned. Otherwise, return `true`.
        Specified by:
        resetPassword in interface UserPasswordService<P extends PasswordToken,​U extends User>
        resetPasswordForm - The form to use to reset the user's password.
        errors - The object to hold any errors that might occur.
        Whether the provided ResetPasswordForm passed validation in order for the password to be reset.
      • changePassword

        public boolean changePassword​(ChangePasswordForm changePasswordForm,
                                      org.springframework.validation.BindingResult errors)
        Description copied from interface: UserPasswordService
        From the provided ChangePasswordForm, attempt to change the user's password. If a failure occurs, errors will be populated on BindingResult and `false` is returned. Otherwise, return `true`.
        Specified by:
        changePassword in interface UserPasswordService<P extends PasswordToken,​U extends User>
        changePasswordForm - The form to use to change the user's password.
        errors - The object to hold any errors that might occur.
        Whether the provided ChangePasswordForm passed validation in order for the password to be changed.
      • useToken

        protected Optional<P> useToken​(U user,
                                       String token)
        Defer to the PasscodeService to validate the password reset token. If the user has no tokens matching the one provided, this method will return Optional.empty().
        user - The user on which to validate and use the token
        token - The token to validate against a password reset
      • updatePassword

        public updatePassword​( user,
                                                                                        String encodedPassword)
        Specified by:
        updatePassword in interface
      • updatePasswordForUser

        public U updatePasswordForUser​(U user,
                                       String password,
                                       String clientId)
        Description copied from interface: UserPasswordService
        Send a password change notification email and update the user's password.
        Specified by:
        updatePasswordForUser in interface UserPasswordService<P extends PasswordToken,​U extends User>
        user - The user who's password to update.
        password - The new password for the user.
        clientId - The clientId from the request.
        The updated user.
      • getCurrentlyAuthenticatedUser

        protected U getCurrentlyAuthenticatedUser()
        Retrieve the current (already authenticated) user who is attempting to change their password
        the current (already authenticated) user who is attempting to change their password
      • getUserByClientIdAndUsername

        protected Optional<U> getUserByClientIdAndUsername​(String clientId,
                                                           String username)
      • getUserService

        protected UserService<U> getUserService()
      • getPasswordEncoder

        protected getPasswordEncoder()