All Classes and Interfaces

The street address for a physical location.
Used to convert an Address to a serialized JSON object string representation for persistence and vice-versa.
Admin user related information used as part of a vendor creation event.
Many entities have customizable dynamic attributes, and this class is intended to hold such values.
Represents contact information for a Vendor.
Used to convert a Contact to a serialized JSON object string representation for persistence and vice-versa.
General exception handler registry for handlers not exclusive to a single controller.
Persistent counter-part to an Attribute for use with a JPA datastore.
Persistent counter-part to a Vendor for use with a JPA-supported datastore.
Responsible for performing vendor-visibility operations on JpaVendors themselves, so only permitted vendors are visible.
JPA domain-specific implementation of VendorRepository.
Used to convert a Phone to a serialized JSON object string representation for persistence and vice-versa.
A domain representing a Vendor.
Specialized helper for working with Vendor domain.
Default property overrides for Vendor Services
The main JPA auto configuration that initializes the out of the box JPA repositories and domain.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging output.
Configuration properties for the NotificationHandler and RetryHandler for VendorNotificationEventProducer.
A DomainMapperMember that is responsible for initializing the NotificationState for SingleIndexRequestProducer on Indexable entities.
VendorRepository<D extends>
Repository for persistent counter-parts of Vendor.
Service API for Vendor.
Vendor-specific configuration for validation.
Validator for Vendor supplied in requests.