All Classes and Interfaces

Represents the tenant concept of a storefront structure.
Holds asset information for an Application.
A DTO specifically intended to hold both the information of a ApplicationCatalogRef and a Catalog to facilitate performing operations such as creation + assignment of a catalog in one request.
This is a special endpoint that is intended to support the "Application Catalogs" page, which is visible exclusively in the context of a standard application.
Reference structure for a Application to its individually assigned Catalog instances.
A convenience service intending to support the combined application + catalog management functionality required by the Application Catalogs page for standard applications.
A validator specifically intended for use in the ApplicationCatalogService.
API for managing Application instances.
Similar to MarketplaceApplicationCatalogEndpoint, but limited to data associated with a particular Application.
ApplicationRepository<D extends>
Repository agnostic interface.
Utility methods to read a user's available applications.
Application business domain specific version of CrudEntityService.
Validations for Application.
Represents a catalog node in an overall catalog tree.
API for managing Catalog instances.
Reference structure for a Catalog to one or more parent catalogs.
CatalogRepository<D extends>
Repository agnostic interface.
Catalog business domain specific version of CrudEntityService.
Validations for Catalog.
The customer context resolver method that is used to resolve the ID for the newly created Application.
Strategy for retrieving a list of catalog IDs that are members of the same inheritance graph.
Defines the default types a Catalog can be.
Standard strategy for fetching an inheritance line from a starting catalog to all child catalogs any level deep.
Default implementation of MarketplaceDiscoverer.
Default implementation of TenantResolver that leverages the UrlResolverProperties for resolving the admin tenant or application by URL.
Default implementation of UrlResolver that leverages the UrlResolverProperties.UrlResolverConfiguration for resolving admin or application URLs.
Strategy for retrieving a list of catalog IDs that are members of the same inheritance graph.
HSQL specific strategy for fetching an inheritance line from a starting catalog to all child catalogs any level deep.
Exception that is thrown in the event that some operation is being performed from an incompatible application context.
Reference structure for a JpaTenantApplication to its individually assigned JpaTenantCatalog instances.
Domain specific (JpaTenantApplication) repository declaration.
Domain specific (JpaTenantCatalog) repository declaration.
Fragment repository for handling specialized persistence behavior for applications
Fragment repository override to handle specialized persistence behavior for JpaTenantCatalog instances.
Fragment repository for handling specialized persistence behavior for marketplace application catalog relationships
Domain specific (JpaTenantMarketplaceApplicationCatalog) repository declaration.
Represents the distinct, completely independent operators within these services.
Represents the tenant concept of a storefront structure.
The persisted counterpart to a ApplicationAsset for use with a JPA datastore.
The persisted counterpart to a TenantAsset for use with a JPA datastore.
Represents a catalog node in an overall catalog tree.
Reference structure for a JpaTenantCatalog to one or more parent catalogs.
Responsible for performing vendor-visibility operations directly on JpaTenantCatalog.
Reference structure for a Application to its individually assigned Catalog instances.
Domain specific (JpaTenant) repository declaration.
Reference structure for a Application to its individually assigned Catalog instances.
MarketplaceApplicationCatalogRepository<D extends>
Repository agnostic interface.
MarketplaceApplicationCatalog business domain specific version of CrudEntityService.
A validator specifically intended for use in the MarketplaceApplicationCatalogService.
Component capable of discovering which applications should be the marketplace target of catalog changes enacted by a vendor.
Strategy for retrieving a list of catalog IDs that are members of the same inheritance graph.
Standard strategy for fetching an inheritance line from a starting catalog to all child catalogs any level deep.
Represents the distinct, completely independent operators within these services.
Transforms a JpaTenantApplicationAsset into a JSON object String and vice-versa.
Defines properties for configuring Application.
Holds asset information for a Tenant.
Transforms a JpaTenantAsset into a JSON object String and vice-versa.
Special ContextRequestConverter that still fulfills the ContextRequest.getApplication() contract for policy validation
Initializes the default property overrides for the tenant service
API for managing Tenant instances.
Jpa specific config for the repository and domain.
Responsible for enabling non-trackable JpaRepository via the @EnableJpaRepositories declaration.
Repository agnostic Tenant interface.
Responsible for resolving the correct Tenant or Application for a given URL.
This endpoint is intended for use by apps (e.g.
Exception thrown when the tenant resolve endpoint is missing a required request parameter.
Tenant business domain specific version of MappableCrudEntityService.
Tenant-specific configuration for validation.
Validations for Tenant.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging input.
Event listener that listens for a VendorCreationEvent and is responsible for setting up a new catalog for the vendor.
Properties relating to TenantVendorNotificationHandler.
Registers components related to vendor visibility.
Exception that is thrown if the customer context id resolver method is not supported.
Utility used for resolving the full url for an Application or a Tenant admin.
Endpoint used for resolving the URL for applications and admins.