Interface TabbyProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface TabbyProvider
  • Method Details

    • executePreScoring

      Map<String,Object> executePreScoring(TabbyCheckoutSession createCheckoutSessionRequest, @Nullable String applicationId, @Nullable String tenantId)
      Executes a Tabby Pre-Scoring request to determine if Tabby can be used for the cart.
      createCheckoutSessionRequest - the request body
      applicationId - the application id
      tenantId - the tenant id
      the created checkout session
      TabbyPreScoringApiException - if the request failed
    • createCheckoutSession

      TabbyCheckoutSession createCheckoutSession(TabbyCheckoutSession createCheckoutSessionRequest, @Nullable String applicationId, @Nullable String tenantId)
      Creates a Checkout session. Used for Session and Payment Creation.
      createCheckoutSessionRequest - the request body
      applicationId - the application id
      tenantId - the tenant id
      the created checkout session
      ProviderApiException - if the request failed
    • capturePayment

      TabbyPayment capturePayment(String paymentId, TabbyCapturePaymentRequest request, @Nullable String applicationId, @Nullable String tenantId)
      Initiates a full or partial capture of Tabby payment. When the full amount is captured, the payment will be automatically closed by Tabby. If only a part of payment captured, the payment will remain in Tabby's Authorized state until the rest of the amount is captured or closed.
      paymentId - id of the payment to capture
      request - the request to capture payment
      applicationId - the application id
      tenantId - the tenant id
      the Tabby payment
      ProviderApiException - if the request failed
    • refundPayment

      TabbyPayment refundPayment(String paymentId, TabbyRefundPaymentRequest request, @Nullable String applicationId, @Nullable String tenantId)
      Initiates a full or partial refund of Tabby payment. You can only refund a payment that has been captured and closed. By default, Tabby processes refunds instantly. Optionally, "Delayed Refunds" can be enabled, causing there is a 24 hours gap between the moment when Refund API is called and when it was actually performed. During this time the refund can be cancelled via Tabby's deletePaymentRefund API. Also during this time, another refund for the same payment id cannot be initiated until the first one is either processed or cancelled.
      paymentId - id of the payment to refund
      request - the request to refund payment
      applicationId - the application id
      tenantId - the tenant id
      the Tabby payment
      ProviderApiException - if the request failed
    • closePayment

      TabbyPayment closePayment(String paymentId, @Nullable String applicationId, @Nullable String tenantId)
      Closes the Tabby payment & Reverse-Authorizes any non-captured amounts. Closed is the final status of a Tabby payment. Tabby payments are automatically closed if it is fully captured. If an order is fully cancelled, please close the payment without capturing it - the customer will be refunded for all paid amount. If only a part of the order is delivered, please capture this part and close the payment – it will mean that another part of the order is not going to be delivered to the customer.
      paymentId - id of the payment to close
      applicationId - the application id
      tenantId - the tenant id
      the Tabby payment
      ProviderApiException - if the request failed
    • retrievePayment

      TabbyPayment retrievePayment(String paymentId, @Nullable String applicationId, @Nullable String tenantId)
      Get the Tabby payment by ID.
      paymentId - id of the payment to reverse
      applicationId - the application id
      tenantId - the tenant id
      the response from Tabby API
      ProviderApiException - if the request failed