Class SolrSearchBoostProperties

  • @ConfigurationProperties(prefix="")
    public class SolrSearchBoostProperties
    extends Object
    Properties for Solr search boosting.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SolrSearchBoostProperties

        public SolrSearchBoostProperties()
    • Method Detail

      • getWordBoost

        public Double getWordBoost()
        Boost which should be applied on word query type matches.
        amount to boost word query type matches
      • getPhraseBoost

        public Double getPhraseBoost()
        Boost which should be applied on phrase query type matches.
        amount to boost phrase query type matches
      • getPhraseSlop

        public int getPhraseSlop()
        Slop which should be applied on phrase query type matches.

        Slop describes the number of terms allowed between words from the query and still recognize a match.

        amount of slop for phrase query type matches
      • getPhraseExactBoost

        public Double getPhraseExactBoost()
        Boost which should be applied on exact phrase query type matches.
        amount to exact phrase word query type matches
      • setWordBoost

        public void setWordBoost​(Double wordBoost)
        Boost which should be applied on word query type matches.
        wordBoost - amount to boost word query type matches
      • setPhraseBoost

        public void setPhraseBoost​(Double phraseBoost)
        Boost which should be applied on phrase query type matches.
        phraseBoost - amount to boost phrase query type matches
      • setPhraseSlop

        public void setPhraseSlop​(int phraseSlop)
        Slop which should be applied on phrase query type matches.

        Slop describes the number of terms allowed between words from the query and still recognize a match.

        phraseSlop - amount of slop for phrase query type matches
      • setPhraseExactBoost

        public void setPhraseExactBoost​(Double phraseExactBoost)
        Boost which should be applied on exact phrase query type matches.
        phraseExactBoost - amount to boost exact phrase query type matches
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object