Class BroadleafSolrProperties.IndexProperties

    • Constructor Detail

      • IndexProperties

        public IndexProperties()
    • Method Detail

      • getMethod

        public org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrRequest.METHOD getMethod()
        Default HTTP method used for submit updates to Solr using the UpdateRequest. We use POST as the default to allow for larger amounts of batched data. Note: Solr's default is to use GET. This method must return a non-null value.
        Default HTTP method used for submit updates to Solr
      • getMaxRetries

        public int getMaxRetries()
        Max number of times to retry if an error occurs in indexing. Values less than 1 will result in no retries.
        Max number of times to retry if an error occurs in indexing
      • getPauseTime

        public long getPauseTime()
        Amount of time to pause if a retry occurs due to an exception. Values less than 1 will result in no pause.
        Amount of time to pause if a retry occurs due to an exception
      • getCommitWithinTime

        public int getCommitWithinTime()
        Amount of time to commit within.
        Amount of time to commit within
      • getDeleteCollectionPauseTimeMillis

        public long getDeleteCollectionPauseTimeMillis()
        Amount of milliseconds to pause after deleting of the Solr collections.
        Amount of milliseconds to pause after deleting of the Solr collections.
      • setMethod

        public void setMethod​(org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrRequest.METHOD method)
        Default HTTP method used for submit updates to Solr using the UpdateRequest. We use POST as the default to allow for larger amounts of batched data. Note: Solr's default is to use GET. This method must return a non-null value.
        method - Default HTTP method used for submit updates to Solr
      • setMaxRetries

        public void setMaxRetries​(int maxRetries)
        Max number of times to retry if an error occurs in indexing. Values less than 1 will result in no retries.
        maxRetries - Max number of times to retry if an error occurs in indexing
      • setPauseTime

        public void setPauseTime​(long pauseTime)
        Amount of time to pause if a retry occurs due to an exception. Values less than 1 will result in no pause.
        pauseTime - Amount of time to pause if a retry occurs due to an exception
      • setCommitWithinTime

        public void setCommitWithinTime​(int commitWithinTime)
        Amount of time to commit within.
        commitWithinTime - Amount of time to commit within
      • setDeleteCollectionPauseTimeMillis

        public void setDeleteCollectionPauseTimeMillis​(long deleteCollectionPauseTimeMillis)
        Amount of milliseconds to pause after deleting of the Solr collections.
        deleteCollectionPauseTimeMillis - Amount of milliseconds to pause after deleting of the Solr collections
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object