Class BroadleafSolrProperties.ConfProperties

    • Constructor Detail

      • ConfProperties

        public ConfProperties()
    • Method Detail

      • getDefaultConfig

        public String getDefaultConfig()
        The default configuration to use when creating collections.
        The default configuration to use when creating collections
      • getDefaultShards

        public int getDefaultShards()
        The default number of shards to use when creating collections.
        The default number of shards to use when creating collections
      • setDefaultConfig

        public void setDefaultConfig​(String defaultConfig)
        The default configuration to use when creating collections.
        defaultConfig - The default configuration to use when creating collections
      • setDefaultShards

        public void setDefaultShards​(int defaultShards)
        The default number of shards to use when creating collections.
        defaultShards - The default number of shards to use when creating collections
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object