Interface SolrIndexProvider

  • All Superinterfaces:<org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument>
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface SolrIndexProvider
    Interface to define basic interactions with Solr for (re)indexing.
    Kelly Tisdell (ktisdell)
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void delete​(List<String> documentIds, int commitWithinMillis, String... indexNames)
      Perform a delete operation, deleting a list of document IDs from Solr.
      void hardCommit​(String... indexNames)
      Initiates a Solr soft commit to each of the indices.
      void rollback​(String collection)
      Mechanism to allow rollbacks.
      void softCommit​(String... indexNames)
      Initiates a Solr soft commit to each of the indices.
      void write​(String collectionName, org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.UpdateRequest updateRequest)
      Generic method to execute an UpdateRequest for Solr.
      void write​(List<org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument> documents, int commitWithinMillis, String... indexNames)
      Overloads the method from the super interface, allowing the caller to specify how long until this should be committed to the index for searching.
      void write​(org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document, int commitWithinMillis, String... indexNames)
      Overloads the method from the super interface, allowing the caller to specify how long until this should be committed to the index for searching.
      • Methods inherited from interface

        deleteByField, write, write
    • Method Detail

      • write

        void write​(List<org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument> documents,
                   int commitWithinMillis,
                   String... indexNames)
        Overloads the method from the super interface, allowing the caller to specify how long until this should be committed to the index for searching.

        If the commitWithinMillis is less than or equal to zero then it is ignored.

        Typically, commitWithinMillis will be between 1000-60000 (between 1-60 seconds).

        Use a negative number for commitWithinMillis when doing a full reindex, and use the hardCommit method at the end of the process. Note that the smaller the commitWithinMillis parameter, the more it affects performance. The larger the number, the longer it will take to be searchable.

        documents - the documents to write
        commitWithinMillis - time to commit within after write
        indexNames - the indices to write to
        Throws: - if an error occurs writing to the index
      • write

        void write​(org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                   int commitWithinMillis,
                   String... indexNames)
        Overloads the method from the super interface, allowing the caller to specify how long until this should be committed to the index for searching.

        If the commitWithinMillis is less than or equal to zero then it is ignored.

        Typically, commitWithinMillis will be between 1000-60000 (between 1-60 seconds).

        Use a negative number for commitWithinMillis when doing a full reindex, and use the hardCommit method at the end of the process. Note that the smaller the commitWithinMillis parameter, the more it affects performance. The larger the number, the longer it will take to be searchable.

        document - the document to write
        commitWithinMillis - time to commit within after write
        indexNames - the indices to write to
        Throws: - if an error occurs writing to the index
      • softCommit

        void softCommit​(String... indexNames)
        Initiates a Solr soft commit to each of the indices. Soft commits make documents searchable, but do not necessarily make them persistent. Check the Solr documentation for more information.

        Remember that, unlike databases, Solr's commits and rollbacks are global, meaning that any client or thread that issues a commit or rollback does so for all clients and threads. It is a global process.

        indexNames - the indices to soft commit
        Throws: - if an error occurs performing the soft commit
      • hardCommit

        void hardCommit​(String... indexNames)
        Initiates a Solr soft commit to each of the indices. Soft commits make documents searchable, but do not necessarily make them persistent. Check the Solr documentation for more information.

        Remember that, unlike databases, Solr's commits and rollbacks are global, meaning that any client or thread that issues a commit or rollback does so for all clients and threads. It is a global process.

        WARNING: Use this with caution. This should only be used rarely by a single control thread to commit batches. This can have negative performance impacts if used liberally. As a result this should only be used by a single thread after a full or bulk reindex. Check the Solr documentation for more information.

        indexNames - the indices to hard commit
        Throws: - if an error occurs performing the hard commit
      • write

        void write​(String collectionName,
                   org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.UpdateRequest updateRequest)
        Generic method to execute an UpdateRequest for Solr. An update request allows for soft commits and for batches of SolrInputDocuments to be processed.
        collectionName - the collection to update
        updateRequest - the update to write to the collection
        Throws: - if an error occurs performing the update
      • delete

        void delete​(@Nullable
                    List<String> documentIds,
                    int commitWithinMillis,
                    String... indexNames)
        Perform a delete operation, deleting a list of document IDs from Solr.
        documentIds - A list of document IDs to be deleted.
        commitWithinMillis - time to commit within after write
        indexNames - The name of the collections to update.
        Throws: - If an error occurs deleting documents.
      • rollback

        void rollback​(String collection)
        Mechanism to allow rollbacks. Remember that, unlike databases, Solr's commits and rollbacks are global, meaning that any client or thread that issues a commit or rollback does so for all clients and threads. It is a global process.
        collection - the collection that should be rolled back