Class SolrFieldService

  • public class SolrFieldService
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • SolrFieldService

        public SolrFieldService​( fieldTypeConverter)
    • Method Detail

      • getSolrField

        public String getSolrField​( fieldVariant,
                                   String locale)
        Format the provided field variant as a Solr field name in this locale. If locale is null, or the field is not translatable, locale will not be included.
        fieldVariant - field variant to create a Solr field name for
        locale - (optional) the locale for the Solr field
        Solr field name in the format "abbreviation_type_locale"
      • getSolrFields

        public String[] getSolrFields​(List<> fieldVariants,
                                      String locale)
        Format the provided field variants as Solr field names in this locale. If locale is null, or the fields are not translatable, locales will not be included.
        fieldVariants - field variants to create Solr field names for
        locale - (optional) the locale for the Solr fields
        Solr field names in the format "abbreviation_type_locale"
      • getNameFromSolrField

        public String getNameFromSolrField​(String typedSolrField)
        Retrieves the field name from a Solr field name.
        typedSolrField - Solr field name in the expected format "abbreviation_type" or "abbreviation_type_locale"
        field name without type or locale
      • getTypeFromSolrField

        public String getTypeFromSolrField​(String typedSolrField)
        Retrieves the type from a Solr field name.
        typedSolrField - Solr field name in the expected format "abbreviation_type" or "abbreviation_type_locale"
        generalized form of the field type