Class ProductInventoryAvailableSolrDocumentContributor

  • All Implemented Interfaces:<org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument>

    public class ProductInventoryAvailableSolrDocumentContributor
    extends Object
    A component to contribute a field to the SolrInputDocument to hold inventory availability for a product. This is not meant to hold store-level availability, nor quantity-level availability. Rather this simply stores, in Solr, details about general availability so that search components can either hide or bury unavailable items during browsing and searching. There may be some concern about invoking a remote call to InventoryServices for each document. The reason that it was done this way to begin with is that in some cases, clients have dozens or hundreds of SKUs (sku codes) per Product. As a result, we will rely on efficient calls to Inventory Services to populate inventory-related fields on a per-Product, multi-SKU basis. It is assumed that these calls will be efficient and that Inventory Services will allow for scaling due to multi-threaded calls during a multi-threaded reindexing process. This component can easily be disabled by overriding it and retuning false, from the canHandle(Indxable) method.
    Kelly Tisdell (ktisdell)
    See Also:
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean canHandle​(<?> indexable)  
      void contributeInternal​(<?> indexable, org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document, com.jayway.jsonpath.DocumentContext context, List<> searchFields)  
      protected createContextInfo​(String tenantId)
      Return a ContextInfo to allow us to query the Inventory Services.
      protected getInventoryAvailabilityService()  
      protected void handleSetInventoryAvailableFilterFieldException​( product, Exception e)
      By default, we want to log the error and otherwise, suppress it to avoid stopping an entire process.
      protected boolean isProduction​( product)
      We only want to apply inventory details to production records, so we need to determine if this product is a "production" record.
      protected void setInventoryAvailableFilterField​( product, org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document, com.jayway.jsonpath.DocumentContext context, List<> searchFields)
      This method adds a Solr doc field indicating which tenants or applications have inventory for this product.
      protected void setInventoryCheckRequiredFilterField​( product, org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document, com.jayway.jsonpath.DocumentContext context, List<> searchFields)
      This method adds a Solr doc field indicating whether this product is inventory-sensitive.
      • Methods inherited from interface

    • Constructor Detail

      • ProductInventoryAvailableSolrDocumentContributor

        public ProductInventoryAvailableSolrDocumentContributor​( inventoryAvailabilityService)
    • Method Detail

      • contributeInternal

        public void contributeInternal​(<?> indexable,
                                       org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                       com.jayway.jsonpath.DocumentContext context,
                                       List<> searchFields)
        Specified by:
        contributeInternal in interface<org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument>
      • canHandle

        public boolean canHandle​(<?> indexable)
        Specified by:
        canHandle in interface<org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument>
      • setInventoryCheckRequiredFilterField

        protected void setInventoryCheckRequiredFilterField​( product,
                                                            org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                                            com.jayway.jsonpath.DocumentContext context,
                                                            List<> searchFields)
        This method adds a Solr doc field indicating whether this product is inventory-sensitive. By default, the Solr field name is 'inventoryCheckRequired_b' - a boolean field, indicating if we care about inventory while browsing or searching this product. By default, if either inventoryReservationStrategy or inventoryCheckStrategy on the product is anything but null or 'NEVER', then this field is set to true.
        product - the product representation, from Catalog Services
        document - the Solr representation of the Product, so far
        context - the JSON document context
        searchFields - a list of Search fields
      • setInventoryAvailableFilterField

        protected void setInventoryAvailableFilterField​( product,
                                                        org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument document,
                                                        com.jayway.jsonpath.DocumentContext context,
                                                        List<> searchFields)
        This method adds a Solr doc field indicating which tenants or applications have inventory for this product. By default, the Solr field name is 'inventoryAvailableForScope_ss' - a multi-valued string field, indicating which tenants and/or applications have inventory available. This method does a callout to Inventory Services.
        product - the product representation, from Catalog Services
        document - the Solr representation of the Product, so far
        context - the JSON document context
        searchFields - a list of Search fields
      • createContextInfo

        protected createContextInfo​(String tenantId)
        Return a ContextInfo to allow us to query the Inventory Services. This will only contain the tenantId of the Product in question.
        tenantId -
      • isProduction

        protected boolean isProduction​( product)
        We only want to apply inventory details to production records, so we need to determine if this product is a "production" record. By default, this means that it has a tracking level of 100000.
        product -
      • handleSetInventoryAvailableFilterFieldException

        protected void handleSetInventoryAvailableFilterFieldException​( product,
                                                                       Exception e)
        By default, we want to log the error and otherwise, suppress it to avoid stopping an entire process. Implementors may wish to override this. This is meant to allow one to (re)throw a RuntimeException, log the error (default behavior), etc. By default, this logs the error to prevent (re)indexing the product. But this will also mean that reindexing of this Product may complete successfully, but that it is not available during search and browse. By default, this logs the exception and otherwise, allows this document to be indexed without inventory.
        e -
      • getInventoryAvailabilityService

        protected getInventoryAvailabilityService()