Serialized Form

  • Package

  • Package

    • Class

      class Facet extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • attributes
          Map<String,Object> attributes
          Miscellaneous attributes for this facet.
        • contextState
          A subset of Tracking information to expose the context state for this object.
        • displayOrder
          Integer displayOrder
          Order in which to display this facet on a list of facets. A lower number indicates this item will occur earlier in the returned facet list.
        • facetRule
          String facetRule
          The rule required to be met for this facet to be active. This is by default a SpEL expression, but may be any expression language.
          See Also:
        • field
          FieldRef field
          The FieldRef this facet belongs to. This is null if not using SearchSettings. Only id, indexableType, and label are serialized in API responses.
        • id
          String id
          The context ID of the facet.
        • label
          String label
          A value intended for display on a UI. For example, "Manufacturer", "Price", "Category", etc.
        • multiSelect
          boolean multiSelect
          Determines whether or not this facet allows multiple values to be selected.
        • name
          String name
          Name to use to identify the facet. Typically, this should correspond to a FieldDefinition.getAbbreviation().
        • ranged
          boolean ranged
          Designates whether or not this facet is ranged. For example price might be a ranged facet ($0.00-49.99, $50.00-99.99, etc), or date ranges.
        • ranges
          List<FacetRange> ranges
          The different range options available for filtering on this search facet.
        • variantType
          String variantType
          The field variant type which should be faceted on.
    • Class

      class FacetGroup extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • attributes
          Map<String,Object> attributes
          Miscellaneous attributes for this facet group.
        • contextState
          A subset of Tracking information to expose the context state for this object.
        • facets
          Set<Facet> facets
          The facets in this facet group.
        • groupIndexableType
          String groupIndexableType
          The indexable type of the fields for this facet group.
        • id
          String id
          The context ID of the facet group.
        • name
          String name
          The name of the facet group.
    • Class

      class FacetGroupFacet extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • contextState
          A subset of Tracking information to expose the context state for this object.
        • facet
          Facet facet
          The facet in this relationship.
        • facetGroup
          FacetGroup facetGroup
          The facet group in this relationship
        • id
          String id
          The context ID of the facet group facet relationship.
        • sorted
          Boolean sorted
          Whether the persistent counterpart to this FacetGroupFacet has a non-default value for Sortable.getSorting(), which determines order in admin list grids.
          See Also:
          • Sorted.getSorted()
          • Sortable
        • sorting
          String sorting
          Field indicating a sort order, if sorted. This is alphanumeric, allowing for lexicographical sorting.
    • Class

      class FacetRange extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • displayOrder
          Integer displayOrder
          Order in which to display this range on a list of facet ranges. A lower number indicates this item will occur earlier in the returned facet range list.
        • label
          String label
          The label for this facet range, suitable for display.
        • maxValue
          String maxValue
          The highest value included in this facet range.
        • minValue
          String minValue
          The lowest value included in this facet range.
    • Class

      class FacetResponse extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • facet
          Facet facet
          The facet which was determined in the search.
        • values
          List<FacetValue> values
          The values returned from search for this facet.
    • Class

      class FacetValue extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • active
          boolean active
          Whether or not this facet value was active on the search
        • displayOrder
          Integer displayOrder
          The display order for this facet value. Used only for sorting, not returned in JSON object.
        • maxValue
          String maxValue
          If ranged, the upper bound of values matching this facet value
        • minValue
          String minValue
          If ranged, the lower bound of values matching this facet value
        • quantity
          int quantity
          The quantity of results matching this facet value
        • ranged
          boolean ranged
          Whether or not this value is a range.
        • value
          String value
          The value label for this facet value.
    • Class

      class FieldDefinition extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • abbreviation
          String abbreviation
          Short field name which will be used for request parameters for example in sorting and filtering, as well as response field names.
        • attributes
          Map<String,Object> attributes
          Miscellaneous attributes for this field.
        • combined
          boolean combined
          Whether or not this field should be a combination of multiple path values. If true, then instead of propertyPath, the multi-valued propertyPaths will be used and joined with the delimiter.
        • delimiter
          String delimiter
          If this is a combined field, this is the delimiter string which should separate the values found from the propertyPaths.
        • facet
          Facet facet
          The facet which is driven by this field.
        • faceted
          boolean faceted
          Indicates if this field has a facet. Note that this is only used when Search Settings are not in use. Otherwise, Facets are managed as their own entity rather than embedded in fields.
        • facetVariantType
          String facetVariantType
          The field variant type which should be faceted on.

          If not provided, the first variant type will be used.

        • fieldQueries
          List<FieldQuery> fieldQueries
          Defines how this field should be queried by variants on particular query types.
        • fieldVariantMap
          Map<String,FieldVariant> fieldVariantMap
          A map of each field variant type to the corresponding FieldVariant. Populated by FieldDefinition.getVariantMap().
        • id
          String id
          The context ID of the field.
        • indexableType
          String indexableType
          The type to which this field belongs. Populated by IndexableType type.
        • label
          String label
          The label of the field, suitable for display.
        • multiValued
          boolean multiValued
          Whether or not this field should contain a list of values.
        • multiValuedCombinedPropertyRootPath
          String multiValuedCombinedPropertyRootPath
          For fields which are both FieldDefinition.multiValued AND FieldDefinition.combined, this will be path to the list containing the objects representing each value. For example, to combine property paths for each category in a list of all categories in the object being indexed, this would be categories[*].
        • propertyPath
          String propertyPath
          The JSON path of this field excluding the root prefix, "$.". This is the path to the actual value that will be stored in the index, e.g. 'price', 'description', '', etc.

          For more advanced mapping options, see the JSONPath documentation

        • propertyPaths
          List<String> propertyPaths
          If this is a combined field, these are the JSON paths to the fields to be combined into the final value, excluding the root prefix, "$.".

          For combined fields, all property paths should point to a single-valued object, the String value of which will be used.

          For fields which are both FieldDefinition.multiValued AND FieldDefinition.combined, the root for this path will be an individual object in the list defined by the FieldDefinition.multiValuedCombinedPropertyRootPath. For example, if the indexable domain was: { "categories": [ { "id": "exampleId", "name": "exampleName" } ] } , and the FieldDefinition.multiValuedCombinedPropertyRootPath was categories[*], then the propertyPaths might be id or name.

        • searchable
          boolean searchable
          Whether or not the search query should be applied to this field on search.
        • sortable
          boolean sortable
          Indicates if this field is sortable.
        • sortOption
          SortOption sortOption
          The sort option which is driven by this field.
        • sortVariantType
          String sortVariantType
          The field variant type which should be sorted on.

          If not provided, the first variant type will be used.

        • translatable
          boolean translatable
          Indicates if this field is translatable.
        • variants
          List<FieldVariant> variants
          The specific typed variants for this field.
    • Class

      class FieldQuery extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • boost
          Double boost
          The amount to boost this variant for this query type.
        • queryType
          String queryType
          The query type which should be boosted on.
        • variantType
          String variantType
          The field variant type which should be boosted on.
    • Class

      class FieldRef extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • abbreviation
          String abbreviation
          Short field name which will be used for request parameters for example in sorting and filtering, as well as response field names.
        • id
          String id
          The context ID of the field.
        • indexableType
          String indexableType
          The type to which this field belongs. Populated by IndexableType type.
        • label
          String label
          The label of the field, suitable for display.
        • translatable
          boolean translatable
          Indicates if this field is translatable.
    • Class

      class FieldVariant extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • field
          FieldRef field
          The field which this variant represents.
        • includeInResponse
          boolean includeInResponse
          Determines whether or not this variant should be included in the search response. This must be a stored value in the search index.
        • type
          String type
          The general type of value stored in this field.

          Should be a value of FieldType

    • Class

      class SearchRedirect extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • id
          String id
          The context ID of this search redirect.
        • isRegex
          boolean isRegex
          Whether or not the queryMatch should be applied as a Regex.
        • name
          String name
          A name to describe the purpose of this search redirect.

          Non-functional, only used as a description for administration.

        • queryMatch
          String queryMatch
          The value that a query must match to activate the redirect.

          If isRegex, the match will be applied as a Regex. Otherwise, an exact match is required.

        • redirectType
          RedirectType redirectType
          The type of redirect which should be performed.
        • redirectUri
          String redirectUri
          The URI which the client should be redirected to if the search query matches.
    • Class

      class SearchRedirectResponse extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • redirectType
          String redirectType
          The HTTP status type of redirect which should be performed
        • redirectUri
          String redirectUri
          The URI to which the client should be redirected.
    • Class

      class SearchResponse extends<Object> implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • correctedQuery
          boolean correctedQuery
          If no results were found and a different query was executed than the original, this is set to true.
        • facets
          List<FacetResponse> facets
          The facets returned in the search result.
        • redirect
          SearchRedirectResponse redirect
          A redirect generated based on the original request query.

          If present, the rest of the response will be empty.

        • sorts
          List<SortResponse> sorts
          The sort options returned in the search result.
        • spellCheckResult
          SpellCheckResult spellCheckResult
          Set if spellcheck returned any results. Contains the original query and any potential suggestions.
    • Class

      class SearchSettings extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • attributes
          Map<String,Object> attributes
          Miscellaneous attributes for this search settings.
        • contextState
          A subset of Tracking information to expose the context state for this object.
        • facetGroups
          Set<FacetGroup> facetGroups
          The facet groups managed on this search settings.
        • id
          String id
          The context ID of the search settings.
        • searchEnabled
          boolean searchEnabled
          Whether advanced search is enabled. Note: This is only implemented for search settings scoped to DefaultSettingsContextType.ADMIN
        • settingsContext
          String settingsContext
          The scoped context of this SearchSettings.
          See Also:
        • sortGroups
          Set<SortGroup> sortGroups
          The sort groups managed on this search settings.
    • Class

      class SettingsFacetGroup extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • contextState
          A subset of Tracking information to expose the context state for this object.
        • facetGroup
          FacetGroup facetGroup
          The facet group in this relationship
        • id
          String id
          The context ID of the settings facet group relationship.
        • searchSettings
          SearchSettings searchSettings
          The search settings in this relationship
    • Class

      class SettingsSortGroup extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • contextState
          A subset of Tracking information to expose the context state for this object.
        • id
          String id
          The context ID of the settings sort group relationship.
        • searchSettings
          SearchSettings searchSettings
          The search settings in this relationship
        • sortGroup
          SortGroup sortGroup
          The sort group in this relationship
    • Class

      class SortGroup extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • attributes
          Map<String,Object> attributes
          Miscellaneous attributes for this sort group.
        • contextState
          A subset of Tracking information to expose the context state for this object.
        • groupIndexableType
          String groupIndexableType
          The indexable type of the fields for this facet group.
        • id
          String id
          The context ID of the sort group.
        • name
          String name
          The name of the sort group.
        • sortOptions
          Set<SortOption> sortOptions
          The sort options in this sort group.
    • Class

      class SortGroupSortOption extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • contextState
          A subset of Tracking information to expose the context state for this object.
        • id
          String id
          The context ID of the sort group sort option xref.
        • sorted
          Boolean sorted
          Whether the persistent counterpart to this SortGroupSortOption has a non-default value for Sortable.getSorting(), which determines order in admin list grids.
          See Also:
          • Sorted.getSorted()
          • Sortable
        • sortGroup
          SortGroup sortGroup
          The sort group in this relationship.
        • sorting
          String sorting
          Field indicating a sort order, if sorted. This is alphanumeric, allowing for lexicographical sorting.
        • sortOption
          SortOption sortOption
          The sort option in this relationship.
    • Class

      class SortOption extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • attributes
          Map<String,Object> attributes
          Miscellaneous attributes for this sort option.
        • contextState
          A subset of Tracking information to expose the context state for this object.
        • displayOrder
          Integer displayOrder
          The display order of this sort option
        • field
          FieldRef field
          The field to be sorted on. Only id, indexableType, and label are serialized in API responses.
        • id
          String id
          The context ID of the sort option.
        • label
          String label
          The label of this search option
        • name
          String name
          Name to use to identify the sort option. Typically, this should correspond to a FieldDefinition.getAbbreviation().
        • variantType
          String variantType
          The field variant type which should be sorted on.
    • Class

      class SortResponse extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • active
          boolean active
          Whether or not this sort is active.
        • descending
          boolean descending
          Whether the sort should be descending. Sort will be ascending by default.

          Only included for the active sort.

        • sortOption
          SortOption sortOption
          The Sort Option information for this sort.
    • Class

      class SpellCheckResult extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • originalQuery
          String originalQuery
          The original search query.
        • suggestedQueries
          List<SpellCheckResult.SuggestedQuery> suggestedQueries
          The suggested queries after spell correction, in order of most to least recommended.
        • suggestionMap
          Map<String,SpellCheckSuggestion> suggestionMap
          Suggested spelling corrections of the original query to retrieve results.
    • Class

      class SuggestedQuery extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • hits
          Long hits
          The number of hits for the suggested query.
        • query
          String query
          The suggested query to replace the original query.
    • Class

      class SpellCheckSuggestion extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • incorrectWord
          String incorrectWord
          The original word in the search query that is misspelled.
        • offsets
          List<SpellCheckSuggestion.TermPosition> offsets
          The offset positions of this string in the original query. This is a list, as it's possible for a single term to appear multiple times in a single query.
        • suggestions
          List<String> suggestions
          The suggested terms to replace the corrected word, ordered by recommendation.
    • Class

      class TermPosition extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • endOffset
          int endOffset
          The ending index of the incorrectly spelled word in the original query.
        • startOffset
          int startOffset
          The starting index of the incorrectly spelled word in the original query string.
  • Package

    • Class

      class SearchCatalogAccessPolicy extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • activeEndDate
          Instant activeEndDate
          The date until which the policy should be active. Must be after SearchCatalogAccessPolicy.activeStartDate. null indicates the policy will not stop being active after SearchCatalogAccessPolicy.activeStartDate.
        • activeStartDate
          Instant activeStartDate
          The date from which the policy should be active.
        • contextState
          A subset of Tracking information to expose the context state for this object.
        • filterRules
          Map<String,String> filterRules
          Filters that should be applied to catalog requests. They key specifies the type, e.g, PRODUCT or CATEGORY. The rule value for each entry should be a valid RSQL string.
        • id
          String id
          Id for the policy.
        • matchRule
          String matchRule
          Match rule to evaluate against a context object containing user and request data. This rule is a SpEL expression.
        • name
          String name
          Name of the policy.
        • targetCatalogIds
          List<String> targetCatalogIds
          List of the target Catalog.getId() that this catalog access policy applies to. This is only used when SearchCatalogAccessPolicy.getTargetType() is DefaultCatalogAccessPolicyTargetType.CATALOG.
        • targetType
          String targetType
          The target type denoting how to restrict this catalog access policy.
          See Also:
    • Class

      class SearchCatalogAccessPolicyContext extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • accountHierarchy
          List<String> accountHierarchy
          The hierarchy of accounts, from the root account to the account member's account.

          For example, if we have this account setup, rootAcct -> subAcct (child of rootAcct) -> subSubAcct (child of subAcct), this field would be [rootAcct, subAcct, subSubAcct]. This is useful to have queries include sub-accounts.

        • accountId
          String accountId
          The ID of the account the user belongs to.
        • attributes
          Map<String,Object> attributes
          Additional, arbitrary request attributes.
        • customerSegmentIds
          Set<String> customerSegmentIds
          The list of ids that correspond to customer segments that this customer is a part of.
        • email
          String email
          The user's email.
        • fullName
          String fullName
          The user's full name.
        • phoneNumber
          String phoneNumber
          The user's phone number.
        • registered
          boolean registered
          Defines whether the user is registered. If false, then the user is considered anonymous.
        • rootAccountId
          String rootAccountId
          The ID of the root account the account member belongs to.
        • userId
          String userId
          The user's id.
        • username
          String username
          The user's username.
  • Package