Interface CatalogTrackable

All Superinterfaces:

public interface CatalogTrackable extends
Interface for objects which are trackable by catalog.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The IDs of descendant catalogs in which this context version of the product has been omitted as a result of one or more filters.
    Get any catalog contexts where this trackable has been overridden.
    All of the IDs of marketplace applications where this product could appear in, based on the catalog hierarchy.
    setCatalogOmissions(Set<String> catalogOmissions)
    The IDs of descendant catalogs in which this context version of the product has been omitted as a result of one or more filters.
    setCatalogOverrides(Set<String> catalogOverrides)
    Set any catalog contexts where this trackable has been overridden.
    setMarketplaceApplications(Set<String> marketplaceApplications)
    All of the IDs of marketplace applications where this product could appear in, based on the catalog hierarchy.

    Methods inherited from interface

    getContextState, setContextState
  • Method Details

    • getCatalogOverrides

      Set<String> getCatalogOverrides()
      Get any catalog contexts where this trackable has been overridden.
      Catalog contexts where this trackable has been overridden
    • setCatalogOverrides

      void setCatalogOverrides(Set<String> catalogOverrides)
      Set any catalog contexts where this trackable has been overridden.
      catalogOverrides - Catalog contexts where this trackable has been overridden
    • getCatalogOmissions

      Set<String> getCatalogOmissions()
      The IDs of descendant catalogs in which this context version of the product has been omitted as a result of one or more filters.

      e.g. if this product is in catalog A, and catalog B inherits this product from catalog A but contains a filter that removes it from the view of catalog B, then the catalog A version product will contain "B" in its catalogOmissions.

      the IDs of any descendant catalogs in which this product has been omitted.
    • setCatalogOmissions

      void setCatalogOmissions(Set<String> catalogOmissions)
      The IDs of descendant catalogs in which this context version of the product has been omitted as a result of one or more filters.

      e.g. if this product is in catalog A, and catalog B inherits this product from catalog A but contains a filter that removes it from the view of catalog B, then the catalog A version product will contain "B" in its catalogOmissions.

    • getMarketplaceApplications

      Set<String> getMarketplaceApplications()
      All of the IDs of marketplace applications where this product could appear in, based on the catalog hierarchy.
    • setMarketplaceApplications

      void setMarketplaceApplications(Set<String> marketplaceApplications)
      All of the IDs of marketplace applications where this product could appear in, based on the catalog hierarchy.