Class ScheduledJob

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, Serializable

    public class ScheduledJob
    extends Object
    implements, Serializable
    Represents a scheduled job for the system to execute. Can be a single use or repeatable job.
    Chad Harchar (charchar)
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ScheduledJob

        public ScheduledJob​(String id)
        Convenience constructor mostly intended for testing.
        id -
      • ScheduledJob

        public ScheduledJob()
    • Method Detail

      • isEnabled

        public boolean isEnabled()
        Whether this scheduled job is enabled, thus allowing it to run.
        Whether this scheduled job is enabled, thus allowing it to run.
      • getId

        public String getId()
        The context ID of the scheduled job.
        the context ID of the scheduled job.
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Display name for this scheduled job.
        the name of this scheduled job
      • getType

        public String getType()
        The type of this scheduled job, used to help identify and organize jobs that share a common origin.
        The type of this scheduled job, used to help identify and organize targets that share a common origin.
      • getTimingType

        public String getTimingType()
        The timing type of this scheduled job. Can be either based on a target date or recurring based on a cron expression.
        The timing type of this scheduled job. Can be either single date or recurring based on a cron expression.
      • isExecuted

        public boolean isExecuted()
        Whether this scheduled job has been executed.
        Whether or not the job has been executed
      • getPreviousLastExecuted

        public Instant getPreviousLastExecuted()
        The previous date on which the job last executed. This is useful for jobs that need to communicate the previous date they executed on to external listeners since lastExecuted will already have been updated to the current execution date (i.e., now) by the time they receive the message.

        Some jobs will use the date the job last executed in order to limit queries to entities that have been modified since then, such as checking which Product Tags have gone expired since the last time they were checked.

        The previous date on which the job last executed.
      • getLastExecuted

        public Instant getLastExecuted()
        The date on which the job last executed.
        The date on which the job last executed.
      • getUpdated

        public Instant getUpdated()
        The date on which the job was last updated by a user.
        The date on which the job was last updated by a user.
      • getTargetDate

        public Instant getTargetDate()
        The date on which a single use job should execute.
        The date on which a single use job should execute
      • getCron

        public String getCron()
        A cron expression used to drive the schedule for the job execution.
        A cron expression used to drive the schedule for the job execution
      • getDetails

        public List<ScheduledJobDetail> getDetails()
        Collection of detailed information for the job
        Collection of detailed information for the job
      • isManageInAdmin

        public boolean isManageInAdmin()
        Whether or not the job can be managed through the Admin interface.
        Whether or not the job can be managed through the Admin interface
      • getAuthor

        public String getAuthor()
        The admin user who created this job
      • getContextState

        public getContextState()
        A subset of Tracking information to expose the context state for this object.
        Specified by:
        getContextState in interface
        a subset of Tracking information to expose the context state for this object
      • setEnabled

        public void setEnabled​(boolean enabled)
        Whether this scheduled job is enabled, thus allowing it to run.
        enabled - Whether this scheduled job is enabled, thus allowing it to run.
      • setId

        public void setId​(String id)
        The context ID of the scheduled job.
        id - the context ID of the scheduled job.
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
        Display name for this scheduled job.
        name - the name of this scheduled job
      • setType

        public void setType​(String type)
        The type of this scheduled job, used to help identify and organize jobs that share a common origin.
        type - The type of this scheduled job, used to help identify and organize targets that share a common origin.
      • setTimingType

        public void setTimingType​(String timingType)
        The timing type of this scheduled job. Can be either based on a target date or recurring based on a cron expression.
        timingType - The timing type of this scheduled job. Can be either single date or recurring based on a cron expression.
      • setExecuted

        public void setExecuted​(boolean executed)
        Whether this scheduled job has been executed.
        executed - Whether or not the job has been executed
      • setPreviousLastExecuted

        public void setPreviousLastExecuted​(Instant previousLastExecuted)
        The previous date on which the job last executed. This is useful for jobs that need to communicate the previous date they executed on to external listeners since lastExecuted will already have been updated to the current execution date (i.e., now) by the time they receive the message.

        Some jobs will use the date the job last executed in order to limit queries to entities that have been modified since then, such as checking which Product Tags have gone expired since the last time they were checked.

        previousLastExecuted - The previous date on which the job last executed.
      • setLastExecuted

        public void setLastExecuted​(Instant lastExecuted)
        The date on which the job last executed.
        lastExecuted - The date on which the job last executed.
      • setUpdated

        public void setUpdated​(Instant updated)
        The date on which the job was last updated by a user.
        updated - The date on which the job was last updated by a user.
      • setTargetDate

        public void setTargetDate​(Instant targetDate)
        The date on which a single use job should execute.
        targetDate - The date on which a single use job should execute
      • setCron

        public void setCron​(String cron)
        A cron expression used to drive the schedule for the job execution.
        cron - A cron expression used to drive the schedule for the job execution
      • setDetails

        public void setDetails​(List<ScheduledJobDetail> details)
        Collection of detailed information for the job
        details - Collection of detailed information for the job
      • setManageInAdmin

        public void setManageInAdmin​(boolean manageInAdmin)
        Whether or not the job can be managed through the Admin interface.
        manageInAdmin - Whether or not the job can be managed through the Admin interface
      • setAuthor

        public void setAuthor​(String author)
        The admin user who created this job
      • setContextState

        public void setContextState​( contextState)
        A subset of Tracking information to expose the context state for this object.
        Specified by:
        setContextState in interface
        contextState - a subset of Tracking information to expose the context state for this object
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object