Class StringExpressionVariable

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class StringExpressionVariable
    extends Object
    implements ExpressionVariable

    Common, null-safe, string operations

    An instance of this class will usually be accessible as a variable within an expression via #strings. This is essentially a wrapper around StringUtils to provide a layer of abstraction and because StringUtils employs static methods. Note that not all methods of StringUtils have been implemented just those that seemed most relevant for expression evaluation.

    Nathan Moore (nathanmoore).
    • Constructor Detail

      • StringExpressionVariable

        public StringExpressionVariable​(Locale locale)
    • Method Detail

      • toString

        public final String toString​(@Nullable
                                     Object target)
        Converts the target to a string.
        target - object to convert
        string representation of object
      • isEmpty

        public final boolean isEmpty​(@Nullable
                                     CharSequence cs)
        Whether the string is null or empty ("")
      • isNotEmpty

        public final boolean isNotEmpty​(@Nullable
                                        CharSequence cs)
        Whether the string is not null or empty ("")
      • isBlank

        public final boolean isBlank​(@Nullable
                                     CharSequence cs)
        Whether the string is null, empty (""), or blank (" ")
      • isNotBlank

        public final boolean isNotBlank​(@Nullable
                                        CharSequence cs)
        Whether the string is not null, empty(""),or blank (" ")
      • trim

        public final String trim​(@Nullable
                                 String str)
        Removes control characters (char <= 32) from both ends of this String, handling null by returning null.
      • trimToNull

        public final String trimToNull​(@Nullable
                                       String str)
        Returns null if the string is empty after trimming
      • trimToEmpty

        public final String trimToEmpty​(@Nullable
                                        String str)
        Returns an empty string ("") if the string is null or empty after trimming.
      • notEquals

        public final boolean notEquals​(String str1,
                                       String str2)
        Return true if strings are not equal, else false.
      • notEqualsIgnoreCase

        public final boolean notEqualsIgnoreCase​(String str1,
                                                 String str2)
        Return true if strings are not equal, ignoring case, else false
      • truncate

        public final String truncate​(@Nullable
                                     String str,
                                     int offset,
                                     int maxWidth)
        Creates a substring using the specified left-offset and max width.
      • strip

        public final String strip​(@Nullable
                                  String str)
        Strips whitespace from the start and end of a String.
      • stripToNull

        public final String stripToNull​(@Nullable
                                        String str)
        Returns null if the stripped string is empty.
      • stripToEmpty

        public final String stripToEmpty​(@Nullable
                                         String str)
        Returns an empty string ("") if the string is null or empty after stripping
      • stripChars

        public final String stripChars​(@Nullable
                                       String str,
                                       String stripChars)
        Strips the specified characters from the beginning and end of the string.
      • equals

        public final boolean equals​(@Nullable
                                    CharSequence cs1,
                                    CharSequence cs2)
        Null-safe string equals.
      • equalsIgnoreCase

        public final boolean equalsIgnoreCase​(@Nullable
                                              CharSequence cs1,
                                              CharSequence cs2)
        Null-safe string equals. Ignores case
      • compare

        public final int compare​(@Nullable
                                 String str1,
                                 String str2)
        Null-safe string compare.
      • compareIgnoreCase

        public final int compareIgnoreCase​(@Nullable
                                           String str1,
                                           String str2)
        Null-safe string compare. Ignores case
      • compareNullIsMore

        public final int compareNullIsMore​(@Nullable
                                           String str1,
                                           String str2)
        Null-safe string compare. Where null is greater than not null.
      • compareIgnoreCaseNullIsMore

        public final int compareIgnoreCaseNullIsMore​(@Nullable
                                                     String str1,
                                                     String str2)
        Null-safe string compare. Where null is greater than not null. Ignores case
      • indexOf

        public final int indexOf​(@Nullable
                                 CharSequence seq,
                                 CharSequence searchSeq)
        Returns the index of the given substring with the string starting at the given position.
      • indexOfIgnoreCase

        public final int indexOfIgnoreCase​(@Nullable
                                           CharSequence seq,
                                           CharSequence searchSeq)
        Returns the index of the given substring with the string starting at the given position. Ignores case.
      • lastIndexOf

        public final int lastIndexOf​(@Nullable
                                     CharSequence seq,
                                     CharSequence searchChar)
        Returns the index of the last occurrence of the given substring.
      • lastIndexOfIgnoreCase

        public final int lastIndexOfIgnoreCase​(@Nullable
                                               CharSequence seq,
                                               CharSequence searchChar)
        Returns the index of the last occurrence of the given substring. Ignores case.
      • contains

        public final boolean contains​(@Nullable
                                      CharSequence seq,
                                      CharSequence searchChar)
        Whether the string contains the substring
      • containsIgnoreCase

        public final boolean containsIgnoreCase​(@Nullable
                                                CharSequence seq,
                                                CharSequence searchChar)
        Whether the string contains the substring. Ignores case.
      • containsWhitespace

        public final boolean containsWhitespace​(@Nullable
                                                CharSequence seq)
        Whether the string contains whitespace.
      • substring

        public final String substring​(@Nullable
                                      String str,
                                      int start,
                                      int end)
        Gets a substring defined by start and end indices from the specified string safely.
      • leftMost

        public final String leftMost​(@Nullable
                                     String str,
                                     int len)
        Gets a substring from the left-most characters.
      • rightMost

        public final String rightMost​(@Nullable
                                      String str,
                                      int len)
        Gets a substring from the right-most characters.
      • split

        public final String[] split​(@Nullable
                                    String str,
                                    String separator)
        Splits the provided string into an array by the separator string specified.
        str - String to split
        separator - Separator to separate on
        Split string array
      • splitToList

        public final List<String> splitToList​(@Nullable
                                              String str,
                                              String separator)
        Splits the provided string into a list instead of an array.
      • join

        public final <T> String join​(@Nullable
                                     T... elements)
        Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String containing the provided of elements
      • joinWith

        public final <T> String joinWith​(@Nullable
                                         String separator,
                                         T... elements)
        Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String containing the provided of elements, placing the given separator between elements
      • joinWith

        public final String joinWith​(@Nullable
                                     String separator,
                                     Iterable<?> iterable)
        Joins the elements of the provided iterable into a single String containing the provided of elements, placing the given separator between elements
      • remove

        public final String remove​(@Nullable
                                   String str,
                                   String removeStr)
        Removes all occurrences of a substring from within the source string.
      • removeIgnoreCase

        public final String removeIgnoreCase​(@Nullable
                                             String str,
                                             String removeStr)
        Removes all occurrences of a substring from within the source string. Ignores case
      • replaceAll

        public final String replaceAll​(@Nullable
                                       String text,
                                       String regex,
                                       String replacement)

        Replaces each substring of the text String that matches the given regular expression with the given replacement.

        This method is a null safe equivalent to:

        • text.replaceAll(regex, replacement)
        • Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(text).replaceAll(replacement)

      • replace

        public final String replace​(@Nullable
                                    String text,
                                    String replaceTxt,
                                    String replacement)
        Replaces each substring of the text String that matches the given regular expression with the given replacement up to timesToReplace.
        text - text to search and replace in
        replaceTxt - text to replace
        replacement - what to replace text with
        string with replacements
      • replaceIgnoreCase

        public final String replaceIgnoreCase​(@Nullable
                                              String text,
                                              String replaceTxt,
                                              String replacement)
        Replaces each substring of the text String that matches the given regular expression with the given replacement up to timesToReplace. Ignores case.
        text - text to search and replace in
        replaceTxt - text to replace
        replacement - what to replace text with
        string with replacements
      • chomp

        public final String chomp​(@Nullable
                                  String str)
        Removes one newline from end of the string if present
      • chop

        public final String chop​(@Nullable
                                 String str)
        Remove the last character from a string
      • length

        public final int length​(@Nullable
                                CharSequence cs)
        Null-safe get string length
      • toUpper

        public final String toUpper​(@Nullable
                                    String str)
        Null-safe convert to uppercase
      • toLower

        public final String toLower​(@Nullable
                                    String str)
        Null-safe convert to lowercase
      • capitalize

        public final String capitalize​(@Nullable
                                       String str)
        Null-safe convert to title case
      • reverse

        public final String reverse​(@Nullable
                                    String str)
        Null-safe string reverse
      • startsWith

        public final boolean startsWith​(@Nullable
                                        CharSequence cs,
                                        CharSequence prefix)
        Whether the text starts with the prefix
      • startsWithIgnoreCase

        public final boolean startsWithIgnoreCase​(@Nullable
                                                  CharSequence cs,
                                                  CharSequence prefix)
        Whether the text starts with the prefix. Ignores case.
      • endsWith

        public final boolean endsWith​(@Nullable
                                      CharSequence cs,
                                      CharSequence prefix)
        Whether the text ends with the prefix.
      • endsWithIgnoreCase

        public final boolean endsWithIgnoreCase​(@Nullable
                                                CharSequence cs,
                                                CharSequence prefix)
        Whether the text ends with the prefix. Ignores case.
      • wrap

        public final String wrap​(@Nullable
                                 String str,
                                 String wrapWith)
        Wraps a string with a string.
      • wrapIfMissing

        public final String wrapIfMissing​(@Nullable
                                          String str,
                                          String wrapWith)
        Wraps a string with a string if not already present.
      • unwrap

        public final String unwrap​(@Nullable
                                   String str,
                                   String wrapToken)
        Unwraps a given string from anther string.