Class LocaleExpressionVariable

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class LocaleExpressionVariable
    extends Object
    implements ExpressionVariable

    Common operations for locale comparison

    The methods in this class expect the compared locale to be in either IETF (with dash, i.e., "en-US"), POSIX (with underscore, i.e., "en_US"), or simply the language, i.e., "en".

    An instance of this class will usually be accessible as a variable within an expression via #locales.

    Chad Harchar (charchar)
    • Constructor Detail

      • LocaleExpressionVariable

        public LocaleExpressionVariable()
    • Method Detail

      • equals

        public final boolean equals​(@Nullable
                                    Locale locale,
                                    String localeString)
        Checks if locales are equal.
        locale - the locale to be compared
        localeString - the locale in IETF or POSIX to compare to
        true if locale is equal to the specified localeString
      • notEquals

        public final boolean notEquals​(@Nullable
                                       Locale locale,
                                       String localeString)
        Checks if locales are not equal.
        locale - the locale to be compared
        localeString - the locale in IETF or POSIX to compare to
        true if locale is not equal to the specified localeString