Class DateExpressionVariable

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DateExpressionVariable
    extends Object
    implements ExpressionVariable

    Common operations for dates comparison

    The methods in this class expect the compared date to be in UTC.

    An instance of this class will usually be accessible as a variable within an expression via #dates.

    Dima Myroniuk (dmyroniuk)
    • Constructor Detail

      • DateExpressionVariable

        public DateExpressionVariable()
    • Method Detail

      • isEqual

        public final boolean isEqual​(@Nullable
                                     Instant date,
                                     String utcDate)
        Checks if dates are equal.
        date - the date to be compared
        utcDate - the date in UTC to compare to
        true if date is equal to the specified utcDate
      • isEqual

        public final boolean isEqual​(@Nullable
                                     LocalDateTime date,
                                     String utcDate)
        Checks if dates are equal.
        date - the date to be compared
        utcDate - the date in UTC to compare to
        true if date is equal to the specified utcDate
      • isNotEqual

        public final boolean isNotEqual​(@Nullable
                                        Instant date,
                                        String utcDate)
        Checks if dates are not equal.
        date - the date to be compared
        utcDate - the date in UTC to compare to
        true if date is not equal to the specified utcDate
      • isNotEqual

        public final boolean isNotEqual​(@Nullable
                                        LocalDateTime date,
                                        String utcDate)
        Checks if dates are not equal.
        date - the date to be compared
        utcDate - the date in UTC to compare to
        true if date is not equal to the specified utcDate
      • isAfter

        public final boolean isAfter​(@Nullable
                                     Instant date,
                                     String utcDate)
        Checks if the date is after the specified date.
        date - the date to be compared
        utcDate - the date in UTC to compare to
        true if date is after the specified utcDate
      • isAfter

        public final boolean isAfter​(@Nullable
                                     LocalDateTime date,
                                     String utcDate)
        Checks if the date is after the specified date.
        date - the date to be compared
        utcDate - the date in UTC to compare to
        true if date is after the specified utcDate
      • isAfterOrEqual

        public final boolean isAfterOrEqual​(@Nullable
                                            Instant date,
                                            String utcDate)
        Checks if the date is after the specified date or is equals to it.
        date - the date to be compared
        utcDate - the date in UTC to compare to
        true if date is after/equals the specified utcDate
      • isAfterOrEqual

        public final boolean isAfterOrEqual​(@Nullable
                                            LocalDateTime date,
                                            String utcDate)
        Checks if the date is after the specified date or is equals to it.
        date - the date to be compared
        utcDate - the date in UTC to compare to
        true if date is after/equals the specified utcDate
      • isBefore

        public final boolean isBefore​(@Nullable
                                      Instant date,
                                      String utcDate)
        Checks if the date is before the specified date.
        date - the date to be compared
        utcDate - the date in UTC to compare to
        true if date is before the specified utcDate
      • isBefore

        public final boolean isBefore​(@Nullable
                                      LocalDateTime date,
                                      String utcDate)
        Checks if the date is before the specified date.
        date - the date to be compared
        utcDate - the date in UTC to compare to
        true if date is before the specified utcDate
      • isBeforeOrEqual

        public final boolean isBeforeOrEqual​(@Nullable
                                             Instant date,
                                             String utcDate)
        Checks if the date is before the specified date or is equals to it.
        date - the date to be compared
        utcDate - the date in UTC to compare to
        true if date is before/equals the specified utcDate
      • isBeforeOrEqual

        public final boolean isBeforeOrEqual​(@Nullable
                                             LocalDateTime date,
                                             String utcDate)
        Checks if the date is before the specified date or is equals to it.
        date - the date to be compared
        utcDate - the date in UTC to compare to
        true if date is before/equals the specified utcDate
      • parseUtcDateToInstant

        protected Instant parseUtcDateToInstant​(String utcDate)
      • parseUtcDateToLocalDateTime

        protected LocalDateTime parseUtcDateToLocalDateTime​(String utcDate)