All Classes and Interfaces

These claims are also used in access tokens.
The common utility that contains some useful methods around Authentication.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Temporary compatibility measure.
The default types of operations supported in XSSRequestProcessingService.
Utility for creating new MvcRequestMatcher instances.
Impact the HttpSecurity setup before a ResourceServerConfigurerAdapter is invoked for final endpoint security configuration.
General exception handler registry for certain XSS-related exceptions.
Responsible for wrapping incoming HttpServletRequests with XSSRequestWrapper to ensure request bodies and parameters are free from XSS violations.
A response object returned from the XSSRequestService after processing a request body.
A response object returned from the XSSRequestProcessingService after processing a request parameter and its value(s).
An exception thrown when request parameters fail XSS validation.
Responsible for performing validation and sanitization on provided values.
Responsible for handling input streams from XSSRequestWrappers and passing them through XSS validation / sanitization
A wrapper class for HttpServletRequestWrapper that provides XSS validation and sanitization.
This mechanism allows for thread-safe, lazy, one-time processing of all request parameters and their values rather than repeatedly within each parameter-related method.
An extension of ServletInputStream used in conjunction with XSSRequestWrapper.