CurrencyInfo |
Stores the requested and fallback currencies needed for a pricing request.
ExchangeRateInfo |
A representation of exchange rate data.
ModifiableFields |
PriceData |
Data storing a specific price for a specific PriceableTarget .
PriceDataTier |
Specify a price depending on a minimum quantity being met.
PriceList |
Abstraction of an aggregation of prices for PriceableTargets the applicability of
which is determined by a set of criteria targeting information provided in a PriceContext .
PriceModifier |
Whereas PriceData provides a specific price for a PriceableTarget , a
price modifier performs an operation on a priceable field of the target such as adding 20% of the
target's cost to calculate the price.
UserTarget |
Abstraction of a user that pricing entities can target.
UserTargetFilterInfo |
This class is used by BasicUserTargetFilterService to allow fine grained control of the
user targets an implementation wishes to allow for pricing via configuration.