Interface TransactionWebhookService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface TransactionWebhookService
The service that is responsible to process the payment webhook. It uses PaymentGatewayWebhookHandler to read the request and get the appropriate PaymentTransaction.
Dima Myroniuk (dmyroniuk)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity<?>
    handleWebhook(String gatewayType, org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders headers, String rawRequestBody)
    Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
    default org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity<?>
    handleWebhook(String gatewayType, org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders headers, String rawRequestBody, Map<String,String> parameters)
    Handles the payment webhook request for the specified gateway type.
  • Method Details

    • handleWebhook

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) default org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity<?> handleWebhook(String gatewayType, org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders headers, String rawRequestBody)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Handles the payment webhook request for the specified gateway type.
      gatewayType - the gateway type that is used to identify the appropriate PaymentGatewayWebhookHandler
      headers - the webhook request headers
      rawRequestBody - the webhook request body
      a ResponseEntity meant to communicate to the gateway with the processing result of the webhook.
    • handleWebhook

      default org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity<?> handleWebhook(String gatewayType, org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders headers, String rawRequestBody, Map<String,String> parameters)
      Handles the payment webhook request for the specified gateway type.
      gatewayType - the gateway type that is used to identify the appropriate PaymentGatewayWebhookHandler
      headers - the webhook request headers
      rawRequestBody - the webhook request body
      parameters - the webhook request parameters
      a ResponseEntity meant to communicate to the gateway with the processing result of the webhook.