Class PaymentSummary

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PaymentSummary extends Object implements Serializable
The domain that summarizes the current state of transactions against the payment.
Dima Myroniuk (dmyroniuk)
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • PaymentSummary

      public PaymentSummary()
  • Method Details

    • getAmountAvailableForAuthorize

      public getAmountAvailableForAuthorize()
      Determines the amount that can be authorized for this payment summary
      The amount that is available for authorize
    • getAmountAvailableForCapture

      public getAmountAvailableForCapture()
      Determines the amount that can be captured for this payment summary
      The amount that is available for capture
    • getAmountAvailableForAuthorizeAndCapture

      public getAmountAvailableForAuthorizeAndCapture()
      Determines the amount that can be authorized and captured for this payment summary
      The amount that is available for authorize and capture
    • getAmountAvailableForReverseAuthorization

      public getAmountAvailableForReverseAuthorization()
      Determines the amount that can be reverse-authorized for this payment summary
      The amount that is available for reverse-authorized
    • getAmountAvailableForRefund

      public getAmountAvailableForRefund()
      Determines the amount that can be refunded for this payment summary
      The amount that is available for refund
    • isFullyAuthorized

      public boolean isFullyAuthorized()
      Determines if the payment summary is fully authorized
      true if the payment summary has authorized the full amount, false otherwise
    • isFullyCaptured

      public boolean isFullyCaptured()
      Determines if the payment summary is fully captured
      true if the payment summary has captured the full amount, false otherwise
    • isPartiallyCaptured

      public boolean isPartiallyCaptured()
      Determines if the payment summary is partially captured
      true if the payment summary has started to capture an amount (smaller than the full amount), false otherwise
    • getAddress

      @Nullable public Address getAddress(String addressType)
      Gathers one of the payment's related addresses by type
      The payment's related address identified by type
    • getCurrency

      @Nullable public getCurrency()
      The currency gathered from getAmount()
      The currency gathered from the amount
    • getPaymentId

      public String getPaymentId()
      See Also:
    • getName

      public String getName()
      See Also:
    • getType

      public String getType()
      See Also:
    • getGatewayType

      public String getGatewayType()
      See Also:
    • getOwnerType

      public String getOwnerType()
      Describes the owner of the payment. For example, the payment could have originated with a cart or a subscription, therefore this value might be CART or SUBSCRIPTION.
      The type describing the owner of the payment
    • getOwnerId

      public String getOwnerId()
      The id of the entity that owns this payment. For example, this may be a cart id, or a subscription billing cycle id.
      The id of the entity that owns this payment.
    • getAddressByType

      public Map<String,Address> getAddressByType()
      The collection of related addresses that may include billing or shipping addresses
      The collection of related addresses
    • getAttributes

      public Map<String,String> getAttributes()
      See Also:
    • getDisplayAttributes

      public Map<String,String> getDisplayAttributes()
      See Also:
    • isSingleUsePaymentMethod

      public boolean isSingleUsePaymentMethod()
      See Also:
    • getAmount

      public getAmount()
      See Also:
    • getSubtotal

      public getSubtotal()
      See Also:
    • getAdjustmentsTotal

      public getAdjustmentsTotal()
      See Also:
    • getFulfillmentTotal

      public getFulfillmentTotal()
      See Also:
    • getFeesTotal

      public getFeesTotal()
      See Also:
    • getTaxTotal

      public getTaxTotal()
      See Also:
    • getIncludedTaxTotal

      public getIncludedTaxTotal()
      See Also:
    • getAmountAuthorized

      public getAmountAuthorized()
      The total authorized amount for capture. This value is calculated as "total authorized - total reverse-authed".
      the total authorized amount for capture
    • getAmountCaptured

      public getAmountCaptured()
      The total amount that is currently captured. This value is calculated as "total captured - total refunded".
      The total amount that is currently captured
    • getTotalEverCaptured

      public getTotalEverCaptured()
      The total amount ever captured, as opposed to the current snapshot of the captured amount represented in getAmountCaptured().
      The total amount ever captured
    • getAmountRefunded

      public getAmountRefunded()
      The total refunded amount.
      the total refunded amount
    • getAmountCredited

      public getAmountCredited()
      The total detached credit amount.
      the total detached credit amount
    • getAmountAwaiting3DSResult

      public getAmountAwaiting3DSResult()
      The total amount of Authorize or AuthorizeAndCapture transactions that require 3DS verification. Note: this excludes transactions that previously required 3DS verification, but we now have transaction results for.

      This value should only be present for payment gateways that support 3DS verification.

      The total amount of Authorize or AuthorizeAndCapture transactions that require 3DS verification.
    • getAuthorizeAmountAwaitingResult

      public getAuthorizeAmountAwaitingResult()
      The total amount sent to the payment gateway for authorize, and is waiting for a response about the transaction result.

      Typically authorize transactions have immediate result, but sometimes the result can be pending for certain gateways.

      the total amount sent to the payment gateway for authorize and is waiting for a response about the transaction result
    • getCaptureAmountAwaitingResult

      public getCaptureAmountAwaitingResult()
      The total amount sent to the payment gateway for capture, and is waiting for a response about the transaction result.

      This value should only be present for payment gateways that support asynchronous transaction executions.

      the total amount sent to the payment gateway for capture and is waiting for a response about the transaction result
    • getReverseAuthorizeAmountAwaitingResult

      public getReverseAuthorizeAmountAwaitingResult()
      The total amount sent to the payment gateway for reverse authorize, and is waiting for a response about the transaction result.

      This value should only be present for payment gateways that support asynchronous transaction executions.

      the total amount sent to the payment gateway for reverse authorize and is waiting for a response about the transaction result
    • getRefundAmountAwaitingResult

      public getRefundAmountAwaitingResult()
      The total amount sent to the payment gateway for refund, and is waiting for a response about the transaction result.

      This value should only be present for payment gateways that support asynchronous transaction executions.

      the total amount sent to the payment gateway for refund and is waiting for a response about the transaction result
    • getVersion

      public Integer getVersion()
      The version of this payment. Used for checking that the requested version of the payment is up-to-date before saving changes. Required for any request which results in an update being made to the payment. This should never be manually incremented/decremented.
    • isPartialReverseAuthSupported

      public boolean isPartialReverseAuthSupported()
      Whether a portion of an authorization transaction can be reversed, or if the full authorization transaction must be reversed.
      Whether a portion of an authorization transaction can be reversed.
    • isReverseAuthRemainder

      public boolean isReverseAuthRemainder()
      Declares if the reverse authorize for this functionality only allows reversing the full non-captured amount
      Declares if the reverse authorize for this functionality only allows reversing the full non-captured amount
    • isHasTransactionFlaggedForManualReview

      public boolean isHasTransactionFlaggedForManualReview()
      Indicates that the payment transaction has been flagged for manual review via fraud checks.
      true if the transaction flagged for manual review
    • getAccessRestrictions

      public List<String> getAccessRestrictions()
      See Also:
    • getAmountAwaitingExternalResult

      public getAmountAwaitingExternalResult()
      The total amount awaiting result for transactions that require external interaction.

      This value should only be present for payment gateways that support external interaction.

      The total amount awaiting result for transactions that require external interaction.
    • getNextAction

      @Nullable public com.broadleafcommerce.paymentgateway.domain.NextAction getNextAction()
      The next step required by the payment gateway to continue processing this payment.
      The next step required by the payment gateway to continue processing this payment.
    • setPaymentId

      public void setPaymentId(String paymentId)
      See Also:
    • setName

      public void setName(String name)
      See Also:
    • setType

      public void setType(String type)
      See Also:
    • setGatewayType

      public void setGatewayType(String gatewayType)
      See Also:
    • setOwnerType

      public void setOwnerType(String ownerType)
      Describes the owner of the payment. For example, the payment could have originated with a cart or a subscription, therefore this value might be CART or SUBSCRIPTION.
      ownerType - The type describing the owner of the payment
    • setOwnerId

      public void setOwnerId(String ownerId)
      The id of the entity that owns this payment. For example, this may be a cart id, or a subscription billing cycle id.
      ownerId - The id of the entity that owns this payment.
    • setAddressByType

      public void setAddressByType(Map<String,Address> addressByType)
      The collection of related addresses that may include billing or shipping addresses
      addressByType - The collection of related addresses
    • setAttributes

      public void setAttributes(Map<String,String> attributes)
      See Also:
    • setDisplayAttributes

      public void setDisplayAttributes(Map<String,String> displayAttributes)
      See Also:
    • setSingleUsePaymentMethod

      public void setSingleUsePaymentMethod(boolean isSingleUsePaymentMethod)
      See Also:
    • setAmount

      public void setAmount( amount)
      See Also:
    • setSubtotal

      public void setSubtotal( subtotal)
      See Also:
    • setAdjustmentsTotal

      public void setAdjustmentsTotal( adjustmentsTotal)
      See Also:
    • setFulfillmentTotal

      public void setFulfillmentTotal( fulfillmentTotal)
      See Also:
    • setFeesTotal

      public void setFeesTotal( feesTotal)
      See Also:
    • setTaxTotal

      public void setTaxTotal( taxTotal)
      See Also:
    • setIncludedTaxTotal

      public void setIncludedTaxTotal( includedTaxTotal)
      See Also:
    • setAmountAuthorized

      public void setAmountAuthorized( amountAuthorized)
      The total authorized amount for capture. This value is calculated as "total authorized - total reverse-authed".
      amountAuthorized - the total authorized amount for capture
    • setAmountCaptured

      public void setAmountCaptured( amountCaptured)
      The total amount that is currently captured. This value is calculated as "total captured - total refunded".
      amountCaptured - The total amount that is currently captured
    • setTotalEverCaptured

      public void setTotalEverCaptured( totalEverCaptured)
      The total amount ever captured, as opposed to the current snapshot of the captured amount represented in getAmountCaptured().
      totalEverCaptured - The total amount ever captured
    • setAmountRefunded

      public void setAmountRefunded( amountRefunded)
      The total refunded amount.
      amountRefunded - the total refunded amount
    • setAmountCredited

      public void setAmountCredited( amountCredited)
      The total detached credit amount.
      amountCredited - the total detached credit amount
    • setAmountAwaiting3DSResult

      public void setAmountAwaiting3DSResult( amountAwaiting3DSResult)
      The total amount of Authorize or AuthorizeAndCapture transactions that require 3DS verification. Note: this excludes transactions that previously required 3DS verification, but we now have transaction results for.

      This value should only be present for payment gateways that support 3DS verification.

      amountAwaiting3DSResult - The total amount of Authorize or AuthorizeAndCapture transactions that require 3DS verification.
    • setAuthorizeAmountAwaitingResult

      public void setAuthorizeAmountAwaitingResult( authorizeAmountAwaitingResult)
      The total amount sent to the payment gateway for authorize, and is waiting for a response about the transaction result.

      Typically authorize transactions have immediate result, but sometimes the result can be pending for certain gateways.

      authorizeAmountAwaitingResult - the total amount sent to the payment gateway for authorize and is waiting for a response about the transaction result
    • setCaptureAmountAwaitingResult

      public void setCaptureAmountAwaitingResult( captureAmountAwaitingResult)
      The total amount sent to the payment gateway for capture, and is waiting for a response about the transaction result.

      This value should only be present for payment gateways that support asynchronous transaction executions.

      captureAmountAwaitingResult - the total amount sent to the payment gateway for capture and is waiting for a response about the transaction result
    • setReverseAuthorizeAmountAwaitingResult

      public void setReverseAuthorizeAmountAwaitingResult( reverseAuthorizeAmountAwaitingResult)
      The total amount sent to the payment gateway for reverse authorize, and is waiting for a response about the transaction result.

      This value should only be present for payment gateways that support asynchronous transaction executions.

      reverseAuthorizeAmountAwaitingResult - the total amount sent to the payment gateway for reverse authorize and is waiting for a response about the transaction result
    • setRefundAmountAwaitingResult

      public void setRefundAmountAwaitingResult( refundAmountAwaitingResult)
      The total amount sent to the payment gateway for refund, and is waiting for a response about the transaction result.

      This value should only be present for payment gateways that support asynchronous transaction executions.

      refundAmountAwaitingResult - the total amount sent to the payment gateway for refund and is waiting for a response about the transaction result
    • setVersion

      public void setVersion(Integer version)
      The version of this payment. Used for checking that the requested version of the payment is up-to-date before saving changes. Required for any request which results in an update being made to the payment. This should never be manually incremented/decremented.
    • setPartialReverseAuthSupported

      public void setPartialReverseAuthSupported(boolean partialReverseAuthSupported)
      Whether a portion of an authorization transaction can be reversed, or if the full authorization transaction must be reversed.
      partialReverseAuthSupported - Whether a portion of an authorization transaction can be reversed.
    • setReverseAuthRemainder

      public void setReverseAuthRemainder(boolean reverseAuthRemainder)
      Declares if the reverse authorize for this functionality only allows reversing the full non-captured amount
      reverseAuthRemainder - Declares if the reverse authorize for this functionality only allows reversing the full non-captured amount
    • setHasTransactionFlaggedForManualReview

      public void setHasTransactionFlaggedForManualReview(boolean hasTransactionFlaggedForManualReview)
      Indicates that the payment transaction has been flagged for manual review via fraud checks.
      hasTransactionFlaggedForManualReview - whether the transaction is marked for manual review
    • setAccessRestrictions

      public void setAccessRestrictions(List<String> accessRestrictions)
      See Also:
    • setAmountAwaitingExternalResult

      public void setAmountAwaitingExternalResult( amountAwaitingExternalResult)
      The total amount awaiting result for transactions that require external interaction.

      This value should only be present for payment gateways that support external interaction.

      amountAwaitingExternalResult - The total amount awaiting result for transactions that require external interaction.
    • setNextAction

      public void setNextAction(@Nullable com.broadleafcommerce.paymentgateway.domain.NextAction nextAction)
      The next step required by the payment gateway to continue processing this payment.
      nextAction - The next step required by the payment gateway to continue processing this payment.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object