Class PaymentAnonymizationProperties


@ConfigurationProperties(prefix="broadleaf.paymenttransaction.anonymization") public class PaymentAnonymizationProperties extends Object
Controls anonymization behavior for the cart service
  • Constructor Details

    • PaymentAnonymizationProperties

      public PaymentAnonymizationProperties()
  • Method Details

    • isEnabled

      public boolean isEnabled()
      Whether or not anonymization is enabled at all
    • isPaymentEnabled

      public boolean isPaymentEnabled()
      Whether or not anonymization specific to the Payment domain is supported
    • getPaymentMethodPropertiesToProcess

      public List<String> getPaymentMethodPropertiesToProcess()
      The list of Payment.getPaymentMethodProperties() keys whose values should be anonymized
    • getAttributesToProcess

      public List<String> getAttributesToProcess()
      The list of Payment.getAttributes() keys whose values should be anonymized
    • getDisplayAttributesToProcess

      public List<String> getDisplayAttributesToProcess()
      The list of Payment.getDisplayAttributes() keys whose values should be anonymized
    • getTransactionAttributesToProcess

      public List<String> getTransactionAttributesToProcess()
      The list of PaymentTransaction.getAttributes() keys whose values should be anonymized
    • setEnabled

      public void setEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Whether or not anonymization is enabled at all
    • setPaymentEnabled

      public void setPaymentEnabled(boolean paymentEnabled)
      Whether or not anonymization specific to the Payment domain is supported
    • setPaymentMethodPropertiesToProcess

      public void setPaymentMethodPropertiesToProcess(List<String> paymentMethodPropertiesToProcess)
      The list of Payment.getPaymentMethodProperties() keys whose values should be anonymized
    • setAttributesToProcess

      public void setAttributesToProcess(List<String> attributesToProcess)
      The list of Payment.getAttributes() keys whose values should be anonymized
    • setDisplayAttributesToProcess

      public void setDisplayAttributesToProcess(List<String> displayAttributesToProcess)
      The list of Payment.getDisplayAttributes() keys whose values should be anonymized
    • setTransactionAttributesToProcess

      public void setTransactionAttributesToProcess(List<String> transactionAttributesToProcess)
      The list of PaymentTransaction.getAttributes() keys whose values should be anonymized
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object