Interface PaymentResponseUtil

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface PaymentResponseUtil
  • Method Details

    • buildPaymentResponse

      PaymentResponse buildPaymentResponse(@NonNull @NonNull PaymentRequest paymentRequest, @NonNull @NonNull PaymentGatewayType gatewayType, @NonNull @NonNull TransactionType transactionType)
      Builds and populates a PaymentResponse based on the provided PaymentRequest
      paymentRequest - the PaymentRequest used to initiate the related transaction
      gatewayType - the type of gateway used to execute the transaction
      transactionType - the type of transaction that was executed
      a PaymentResponse populated based on the provided PaymentRequest
    • buildInitialPaymentResponse

      PaymentResponse buildInitialPaymentResponse(@NonNull @NonNull GatewayTransactionResponse transactionResponse, @NonNull @NonNull PaymentGatewayType gatewayType)
      Builds and populates a PaymentResponse based on the provided GatewayTransactionResponse and PaymentGatewayType
      transactionResponse - the GatewayTransactionResponse used to create the related transaction
      gatewayType - the type of gateway used to execute the transaction
      a PaymentResponse populated based on the provided GatewayTransactionResponse and Payment