Class DefaultPassthroughTestingTransactionService

All Implemented Interfaces:
PassthroughTransactionService, PaymentGatewayTransactionService, PaymentGatewayTypeAware

public class DefaultPassthroughTestingTransactionService extends Object implements PassthroughTransactionService
Passthrough Transaction Service intended to be used for Testing Purposes. Allows for testing of specific response and error scenarios by passing in different payment requests with known test values. - Card Holder: Bill Broadleaf - Test Card Number: 4000000000000028 (Soft Decline - address_line1_check_failed) - Test Card Number: 4000000000000101 (Soft Decline - cvc_check_failed) - Test Card Number: 4000000000009995 (Hard Decline - insufficient_funds) - Test Card Number: 4000000000009979 (Hard Decline - lost_stolen_card)