Interface PaymentGatewayPaymentModificationService

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface PaymentGatewayPaymentModificationService
    extends PaymentGatewayTypeAware
    This service is responsible for interacting with the payment gateway to modify a payment's paymentMethodProperties.
    Dima Myroniuk (dmyroniuk)
    • Method Detail

      • modifyPaymentMethodProperties

        Map<String,​String> modifyPaymentMethodProperties​(Map<String,​String> paymentMethodProperties,
                                                               String applicationId,
                                                               String tenantId)
        Modify the given paymentMethodProperties for alternative values used by the gateway. In most cases, this involves swapping a provided payment representation for a different style of representation. For example, swapping a digital wallet token for the payment gateway's token.
        paymentMethodProperties - the payment method properties
        applicationId - the application id
        tenantId - the tenant id
        the map that contains the exchanged payment token