Class OrderAnonymizationProperties

  • @ConfigurationProperties(prefix="broadleaf.order.anonymization")
    public class OrderAnonymizationProperties
    extends Object
    Controls anonymization behavior for the order service
    • Constructor Detail

      • OrderAnonymizationProperties

        public OrderAnonymizationProperties()
    • Method Detail

      • isEnabled

        public boolean isEnabled()
        Whether or not anonymization is enabled at all
      • isValidateFulfillmentEnabled

        public boolean isValidateFulfillmentEnabled()
        Whether or not OrderFulfillment.getStatus() is validated to be finalized (i.e. FULFILLED or CANCELLED) before allowing any order related anonymization to take place.
      • isOrderEnabled

        public boolean isOrderEnabled()
        Whether or not anonymization specific to the Order domain is supported
      • isOrderFulfillmentEnabled

        public boolean isOrderFulfillmentEnabled()
        Whether or not anonymization specific to the OrderFulfillment domain is supported
      • isOrderFulfillmentNoteEnabled

        public boolean isOrderFulfillmentNoteEnabled()
        Whether or not anonymization specific to the OrderFulfillmentNote domain is supported
      • isOrderNoteEnabled

        public boolean isOrderNoteEnabled()
        Whether or not anonymization specific to the OrderNote domain is supported
      • isReturnAuthorizationEnabled

        public boolean isReturnAuthorizationEnabled()
        Whether or not anonymization specific to the ReturnAuthorization domain is supported
      • setEnabled

        public void setEnabled​(boolean enabled)
        Whether or not anonymization is enabled at all
      • setValidateFulfillmentEnabled

        public void setValidateFulfillmentEnabled​(boolean validateFulfillmentEnabled)
        Whether or not OrderFulfillment.getStatus() is validated to be finalized (i.e. FULFILLED or CANCELLED) before allowing any order related anonymization to take place.
      • setOrderEnabled

        public void setOrderEnabled​(boolean orderEnabled)
        Whether or not anonymization specific to the Order domain is supported
      • setOrderFulfillmentEnabled

        public void setOrderFulfillmentEnabled​(boolean orderFulfillmentEnabled)
        Whether or not anonymization specific to the OrderFulfillment domain is supported
      • setOrderFulfillmentNoteEnabled

        public void setOrderFulfillmentNoteEnabled​(boolean orderFulfillmentNoteEnabled)
        Whether or not anonymization specific to the OrderFulfillmentNote domain is supported
      • setOrderNoteEnabled

        public void setOrderNoteEnabled​(boolean orderNoteEnabled)
        Whether or not anonymization specific to the OrderNote domain is supported
      • setReturnAuthorizationEnabled

        public void setReturnAuthorizationEnabled​(boolean returnAuthorizationEnabled)
        Whether or not anonymization specific to the ReturnAuthorization domain is supported
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object