All Classes and Interfaces

Supports listening for an event and automatically changing the status of specific fulfillment(s).
Supports listeners which reverse remaining non-captured payments whenever all fulfillments are in a final state.
the payments will be captured in AutoFulfillVirtualOrderCreatedListener before actually changing the status.
Event listener that listens for successful PaymentCaptureAttemptResult and automatically updates the fulfillment to fulfilled.
Event listener that listens for OrderCreatedEvents, identifies the OrderFulfillments that should be fulfilled immediately, and fulfills them.
A CampaignCode represents a distinct code for an offer or campaign.
Deprecated as of 1.8, if using OfferService 2.0, this class is not used
A request to cancel anything pending in a ReturnAuthorization.
Determines that the CancelReturnRequest is valid.
Handles changing a fulfillment from the status OrderFulfillmentStatus.NEW, OrderFulfillmentStatus.CAPTURING_PAYMENT, OrderFulfillmentStatus.PAYMENT_CAPTURE_FAILED to OrderFulfillmentStatus.CANCELLED.
Handles changing a fulfillment from the status OrderFulfillmentStatus.CAPTURING_PAYMENT to OrderFulfillmentStatus.CAPTURE_AWAITING_RESULT.
Represents the result of capturing an OrderFulfillment, containing a list of claims against checkout-executed capture transactions, and a list of capture execution responses.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging input.
Handles changing a fulfillment from the status OrderFulfillmentStatus.NEW to OrderFulfillmentStatus.CAPTURING_PAYMENT.
CartOrderFulfillmentGenerationService<C extends com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.Cart,O extends com.broadleafcommerce.order.client.domain.Order,F extends com.broadleafcommerce.order.client.domain.OrderFulfillment>
Handles generating OrderFulfillments from a Cart.
CartOrderGenerationService<C extends com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.Cart,P extends com.broadleafcommerce.order.client.domain.Order>
Handles generating orders from carts.
A message event dispatched after a cart checkout completes successfully.
An event listener that triggers when checkout successfully completes.
DTO holding the resulting information about the code generation.
A request to confirm that a ReturnAuthorizationItem has been received.
A request to confirm that items in a ReturnAuthorization have been received.
Determines that the ConfirmReturnRequest is valid.
A DTO object that contains the consolidated information about the order, its fulfillments and any other data requested.
Determines that the CancelReturnRequest is valid.
DefaultCartOrderFulfillmentGenerationService<C extends com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.Cart,O extends com.broadleafcommerce.order.client.domain.Order,F extends com.broadleafcommerce.order.client.domain.OrderFulfillment>
Default implementation of CartOrderFulfillmentGenerationService.
DefaultCartOrderGenerationService<C extends com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.Cart,O extends com.broadleafcommerce.order.client.domain.Order>
Default implementation of CartOrderGenerationService
Responsible for splitting a fulfillment by moving all non-requested items and quantities into a newly generated fulfillment.
DefaultOrderHistoryService<O extends com.broadleafcommerce.order.client.domain.Order,F extends com.broadleafcommerce.order.client.domain.OrderFulfillment,R extends com.broadleafcommerce.order.client.domain.ReturnAuthorization>
The default implementation for OrderLinksService.
An intermediary data structure used internally by DefaultPaymentAuthReversalService to keep track of a reverse authorize that will be executed.
A service responsible for distributing payment amounts based on the payments' ratios from an Order.
An intermediary data structure used internally by DefaultPaymentRefundService to keep track of a fulfillment refund that will be executed.
An intermediary data structure used internally by DefaultPaymentRefundService to keep track of a refundable payment on an Order and the non-reversed amount that is actually available for refund on it.
An intermediary data structure used internally by DefaultPaymentRefundService to keep track of a return refund that will be executed.
This represents types of payments that can be applied to a cart.
The possible types of targets a Product can have.
An intermediary data structure used internally by ReturnGenerationService to hold all the relevant data for generating returns, to prevent processing the data multiple times and make it easier to pass the data between methods.
An intermediary data structure used internally by ReturnOperationService to hold all the relevant data regarding confirms and existing returns, to prevent processing the data multiple times and make it easier to pass the data between methods.
Service class to create tax requests to be sent to the TaxDelegate
The default set of transactionFailureTypes that we expect to encounter with payment gateway interactions
The TransactionType is used to represent the types of operations/transactions that could occur against a single payment.
The domain that represents a PaymentSummary with its executable amount for a transaction type.
Deprecated as of 1.8, if using OfferService 2.0, this class is not used
Deprecated as of 1.8, if using OfferService 2.0, this class is not used
ExternalFulfillmentProvider<F extends com.broadleafcommerce.order.client.domain.OrderFulfillment>
ExternalOrderProvider<O extends com.broadleafcommerce.order.client.domain.Order>
Obtains and releases locks in an external service (cart services over HTTP).
ExternalReturnAuthorizationProvider<R extends com.broadleafcommerce.order.client.domain.ReturnAuthorization>
Interacts with an external system for ReturnAuthorizations.
Service to resolve the ship from address when calculating tax.
Handles changing a fulfillment from the status OrderFulfillmentStatus.NEW, OrderFulfillmentStatus.CAPTURING_PAYMENT, OrderFulfillmentStatus.PAYMENT_CAPTURED, or OrderFulfillmentStatus.FULFILLING to OrderFulfillmentStatus.FULFILLED.
Handles changing a fulfillment from the status OrderFulfillmentStatus.FULFILLING to OrderFulfillmentStatus.FULFILL_FAILED.
Handles changing a fulfillment from the status OrderFulfillmentStatus.NEW, OrderFulfillmentStatus.CAPTURING_PAYMENT, or OrderFulfillmentStatus.PAYMENT_CAPTURED to OrderFulfillmentStatus.FULFILLING.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging input.
Listens for the TransactionWebhookEvent and updates the OrderFulfillment status if it awaits the result for the refund transactions.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging input.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging output.
Responsible for adjusting tax transactions on fulfillment cancellation events.
Provider for interfacing with operations involving fulfillment capture claims.
Listens for TransactionWebhookEvent with type DefaultTransactionTypes.CAPTURE and changes the OrderFulfillment.getStatus().
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging input.
Listens to fulfillment capturing payment events and captures payment for them if necessary.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging output.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging input.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging output.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging output.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging output.
Contains methods to help with fulfillment operations, such as calculating specific totals for a fulfillment.
Responsible for managing operations on fulfillments.
Properties pertaining to automatic fulfillment.
FulfillmentProvider<F extends com.broadleafcommerce.order.client.domain.OrderFulfillment>
Provider for interfacing with operations involving fulfillments.
Responsible for creating tax refund transactions on refund events.
Responsible for correctly rounding MonetaryAmounts which were split between multiple OrderFulfillments.
FulfillmentSplittingService<F extends com.broadleafcommerce.order.client.domain.OrderFulfillment>
Responsible for splitting a fulfillment into two based on requested item quantities.
A message event dispatched after a fulfillment has changed status.
Handles changing the status of a fulfillment based on a FulfillmentStatusChangeRequest.
A request DTO for changing the status of a fulfillment, or partially changing the status of some of the items in that fulfillment.
Determines that the FulfillmentStatusChangeRequest is valid for the given OrderFulfillment.
Utility to facilitate getting inclusive taxes from FulfillmentItemTaxDetail and OrderFulfillmentItemTaxDetail.
Please use SynchronizedDelegatingOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager or InMemoryOAuth2AuthorizedClientService, which is used internally by SynchronizedDelegatingOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager.
A request DTO used to establish locks on a set of payments.
Alternative to DefaultClientCredentialsTokenResponseClient that uses WebClient and allows for access token response that contain additional non-String parameters.
Provider for interfacing with Offers and the Offer Engine.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging input.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging input.
A message event dispatched after an order has been created successfully.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging output.
Responsible for committing tax on checkout completion events.
Utility class to aid in processing OrderFulfillmentItems regarding offers.
Endpoint for viewing Order history for a customer.
OrderHistoryService<O extends com.broadleafcommerce.order.client.domain.Order,OF extends OrderWithFulfillmentsAndReturns>
Service API for Order history for customers.
Contains all the OrderItem for OrderItem.getAttributes() and OrderItem.getInternalAttributes().
Utility class to aid in processing OrderItems regarding offers.
The DTO object contains the information that can be used to execute the request to get the additional data for the Order.
The service is used to build the OrderLink that is included in message payloads and used by message listeners to fetch the additional data if needed.
Spring Boot default property overrides for this service
Payment-related properties within OrderOperationServices, discriminated by tenant and application.
Wrapper for the offer utils required by within the Order Operation Service.
An order operations specific implementation of the message lock service.
OrderProvider<O extends com.broadleafcommerce.order.client.domain.Order>
Provider for interfacing with operations involving orders.
Combined domain representing an order and its fulfillments.
A service responsible for reverse authorizing for an Order's payments.
Exception thrown if there was an issue while attempting to reverse authorization on an order.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging input.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging output.
A message event dispatched after payment has been attempted for a fulfillment.
The types of results that could come from attempting to capture payment on a fulfillment.
Handles changing a fulfillment from the status OrderFulfillmentStatus.CAPTURING_PAYMENT, OrderFulfillmentStatus.CAPTURE_AWAITING_RESULT, or OrderFulfillmentStatus.PAYMENT_CAPTURE_FAILED to OrderFulfillmentStatus.PAYMENT_CAPTURED.
Exception thrown if there was an issue while attempting to capture the order's PaymentSummary.
Handles changing a fulfillment from the status OrderFulfillmentStatus.CAPTURING_PAYMENT or OrderFulfillmentStatus.CAPTURE_AWAITING_RESULT to OrderFulfillmentStatus.PAYMENT_CAPTURE_FAILED.
The DTO used to distribute a MonetaryAmount across different payments based on defined ratios.
Exception thrown if there was an issue while attempting to distribute payment amount.
The domain that represents the result of distributing a MonetaryAmount across different payments.
A service responsible for distributing payment amounts based on the payments' ratios from an Order.
The domain that represent how much to execute against which payment, as well as its transaction type.
Exception thrown when an issue is encountered while obtaining a payment lock.
Describes the owner of a payment.
A helper component that has understanding of which PaymentSummaries take precedence and should be applied first in various operations such as payment capture, reverse authorize, and refund.
Provider for interfacing with a Payment Management system for operations around payment related entities.
Exception thrown if there was an issue while attempting to refund part/all of an order.
Listens for ReturnConfirmedEvent and issues a refund for all pending ReturnConfirmations on the ReturnAuthorization, marking them as completed once finished.
A service responsible for issuing refunds for an Order's payments.
Listens for cancelled FulfillmentStatusChangeEvent and cancels the payment for the cancelled fulfillment if necessary, by reverse authorizing or refunding.
An intermediary data structure used internally by PaymentReversalFulfillmentCancelledListener to hold all the relevant data, to prevent processing the data multiple times and make it easier to pass the data between methods.
Listens for fulfilled FulfillmentStatusChangeEvent.
Describes the source of a payment.
The domain that summarizes the current state of transactions against the payment.
Exception thrown if there was an issue while attempting to execute a payment transaction for an order's PaymentSummary.
A reference to a payment transaction.
Represents the default possible values for a payment transaction's source entity type.
This represents types of payments that can be applied to a cart.
Defines a generic error that can be thrown in response to receiving an error from an API that one of the providers (e.g., FulfillmentProvider) received.
The request to read the customer Orders and its related data.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging input.
Holds common concept keys used to obtain resource locks from ResourceLockProvider.
Provides the ability to lock and unlock resources.
Generates a Page representing the data and page data received as a response from another service.
ReturnAuthorizationProvider<R extends com.broadleafcommerce.order.client.domain.ReturnAuthorization>
Provider for interfacing with operations involving return authorizations.
A message event dispatched after a ReturnAuthorization has been cancelled.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging output.
Listens for refund TransactionWebhookEvent and updates the ReturnAuthorization and the ReturnConfirmation associated with the TransactionWebhookEvent.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging input.
A message event dispatched after a ReturnAuthorization has new ReturnConfirmations applied.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging output.
A message event dispatched after a new ReturnAuthorization has been created.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging output.
A request to initiate the return of an item.
Responsible for managing operations on returns.
A request to initiate the returns of items in an Order.
Determines that the ReturnRequest is valid.
Responsible for splitting ReturnAuthorization into multiple.
Can be used for handling rounding of amounts which need to add up to different totals.
Represents an amount value that has been split into multiple new amounts.
Contains properties dictating SSL verification.
This component implements OAuth2AuthorizedClientManager and internally instantiates and delegates to AuthorizedClientServiceOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager.
Class representing information for rounding of tax details across several split fulfillments.
Utility methods to help with performing operations on application entities from a tenant context.
Object describing the resulting transaction detail.
The request payload used to execute a transaction against a payment.
Response object describing the resulting transaction details and PaymentSummary.
The TransactionFailureType is used to identify the category of failure that was encountered while processing a payment gateway transaction
The domain that summarizes the current state of transactions against a collection of payments identified by a common owning entity (e.g.
The TransactionType is used to represent the types of operations/transactions that could occur against a single payment.
A message event dispatched after a PaymentTransaction has been executed.
A request DTO used to release locks on a set of payments.
Abstraction of a user that different entities, like offers and pricing, can target.
An event listener that triggers when order is successfully created.
A request DTO for generating campaign codes for voucher offers.
A message event dispatched after a voucher validation and code generation completes successfully.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging output.