Class TransactionExecutionResponse

    • Constructor Detail

      • TransactionExecutionResponse

        public TransactionExecutionResponse()
    • Method Detail

      • isIndeterminateResult

        public boolean isIndeterminateResult()
        Whether any of the transactions has an indeterminate result.
        Whether or not any of the transactions has an indeterminate result
      • getAmountSuccessfullyExecuted

        public getAmountSuccessfullyExecuted()
        Gets the total amount that was successfully executed.
        The total amount that was successfully executed.
      • getAmountFailedToExecute

        public getAmountFailedToExecute()
        Gets the total amount that failed to execute.
        The total amount that failed to execute.
      • getAmountAwaitingResult

        public getAmountAwaitingResult()
        Gets the total amount that was successfully queued by the gateway, but has not yet been executed.
        The total amount that was successfully queued by the gateway, but has not yet been executed.
      • getCurrency

        public getCurrency()
        The currency gathered from getPaymentSummary() or getExpectedTotalAmount().
        The currency gathered from the payment summary or expected total amount.
      • getPaymentId

        public String getPaymentId()
      • getPaymentSummary

        public PaymentSummary getPaymentSummary()
        The payment's updated PaymentSummary representation.

        This can be null if the payment is archived as a result of a failed transaction.

        The payment's updated PaymentSummary representation.
      • getTransactionType

        public String getTransactionType()
        The type of transactions that were executed.
        The type of transactions that were executed.
        See Also:
      • getTransactionExecutionDetails

        public List<TransactionExecutionDetail> getTransactionExecutionDetails()
        A list of TransactionExecutionDetails describing the transactions executed.

        Typically there will only be multiple transactions being executed if there're multiple parent transactions being executed against. This scenario is very unlikely and not expected out of box for non-refund type transactions, however it is supported.

        A list of TransactionExecutionDetails describing the transactions executed.
      • getRequestId

        public String getRequestId()
        The id representing the customer's request to execute one or more transactions.
        The id representing the customer's request to execute one or more transactions.
      • getSubtotal

        public getSubtotal()
        The payment's total usually excluding adjustments, tax, and shipping.
        The payment's total usually excluding adjustments, tax, and shipping.
      • getAdjustmentsTotal

        public getAdjustmentsTotal()
        The payment's adjustments (a.k.a discounts) total, usually excluding shipping/fulfillment discounts.
        The payment's adjustments (a.k.a discounts) total, usually excluding shipping/fulfillment discounts.
      • getFulfillmentTotal

        public getFulfillmentTotal()
        The payment's total fulfillment cost
        The payment's total fulfillment cost
      • getTaxTotal

        public getTaxTotal()
        The payment's total tax cost
        The payment's total tax cost
      • setPaymentSummary

        public void setPaymentSummary​(@Nullable
                                      PaymentSummary paymentSummary)
        The payment's updated PaymentSummary representation.

        This can be null if the payment is archived as a result of a failed transaction.

        paymentSummary - The payment's updated PaymentSummary representation.
      • setTransactionType

        public void setTransactionType​(String transactionType)
        The type of transactions that were executed.
        transactionType - The type of transactions that were executed.
        See Also:
      • setTransactionExecutionDetails

        public void setTransactionExecutionDetails​(List<TransactionExecutionDetail> transactionExecutionDetails)
        A list of TransactionExecutionDetails describing the transactions executed.

        Typically there will only be multiple transactions being executed if there're multiple parent transactions being executed against. This scenario is very unlikely and not expected out of box for non-refund type transactions, however it is supported.

        transactionExecutionDetails - A list of TransactionExecutionDetails describing the transactions executed.
      • setRequestId

        public void setRequestId​(String requestId)
        The id representing the customer's request to execute one or more transactions.
        requestId - The id representing the customer's request to execute one or more transactions.
      • setSubtotal

        public void setSubtotal​( subtotal)
        The payment's total usually excluding adjustments, tax, and shipping.
      • setAdjustmentsTotal

        public void setAdjustmentsTotal​( adjustmentsTotal)
        The payment's adjustments (a.k.a discounts) total, usually excluding shipping/fulfillment discounts.
      • setFulfillmentTotal

        public void setFulfillmentTotal​( fulfillmentTotal)
        The payment's total fulfillment cost
      • setTaxTotal

        public void setTaxTotal​( taxTotal)
        The payment's total tax cost
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object