Class CodeGeneratorPreValidator


public class CodeGeneratorPreValidator extends Object
Validation ran on a CodeGenerator before create. This is a separate validation from CodeGeneratorValidator which is an entity validator that runs at a later phase. This component is specifically used in DefaultCodeGeneratorService to test the input provided by an API caller before any initialization logic kicks in.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • prevalidateForCreate

      public void prevalidateForCreate(@NonNull CodeGenerator codeGenerator, org.springframework.validation.Errors errors, @Nullable context)
      Validates that the input provided by an API caller before any initialization logic is performed
      codeGenerator - the CodeGenerator that is validated before create
      errors - Errors object for tracking any errors
      context - context surrounding sandboxing and multitenant state
    • calculateRequiredCodeLength

      protected int calculateRequiredCodeLength(int numberOfCodes, int charSetSize)
      Returns the size of the code that you must create in order to support the passed in number of Codes.
      numberOfCodes -
    • getCodeMultiplier

      protected int getCodeMultiplier()
      Affects the "guessability" of codes when a code format has not been provided. For example, if 100 codes are being generated, the default will insure that the codes are generated at least from a pool of 100000 possible codes.
    • getCampaignService

      @NonNull protected CampaignService<Campaign> getCampaignService()
    • getAvailableCharHelper

      @NonNull protected CodeFormatAvailableCharHelper getAvailableCharHelper()