Class CandidateFulfillmentGroup

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CandidateFulfillmentGroup extends Object implements Serializable
Represents a candidate fulfillment group for which an Offer has been applied. Used as a list of items in CandidateFulfillmentGroupOffer to represent applying the corresponding offer to all of an order's fulfillment groups.
Chad Harchar (charchar)
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • CandidateFulfillmentGroup

      public CandidateFulfillmentGroup()
  • Method Details

    • calculatePriceWithoutAdjustments

      public calculatePriceWithoutAdjustments()
      Calculate and return the price for this EnhancedFulfillmentGroup without any adjustments added.
      Calculate and return the price for this EnhancedFulfillmentGroup without any adjustments added.
    • resetState

      public void resetState()
      Between permutation runs, we need to reset the state of intermediate values
    • getFulfillmentGroup

      public EnhancedFulfillmentGroup getFulfillmentGroup()
      The EnhancedFulfillmentGroup that is decorated for consideration as part of a CandidateFulfillmentGroupOffer.
    • getCandidateQualifiersMap

      public Map<ItemCriteriaRule,Collection<EnhancedFulfillmentLineItem>> getCandidateQualifiersMap()
      Map of ItemCriteriaRule from an offer's item qualifier criteria to a Collection of EnhancedFulfillmentLineItem that meet that criteria for this fulfillmentGroup.
      Map of ItemCriteriaRule from an offer's item qualifier criteria to a Collection of EnhancedFulfillmentLineItem that meet that criteria for this fulfillmentGroup.
    • getDiscountedAmount

      public getDiscountedAmount()
      The amount off this fulfillment group would get if the candidate offer was applied.
      The amount off this fulfillment group would get if the candidate offer was applied.
    • getDiscountedTotal

      public getDiscountedTotal()
      The adjusted discounted price for this candidate fulfillment group if the candidate offer was applied.
      The adjusted discounted price for this candidate fulfillment group if the candidate offer was applied.
    • setFulfillmentGroup

      public void setFulfillmentGroup(EnhancedFulfillmentGroup fulfillmentGroup)
      The EnhancedFulfillmentGroup that is decorated for consideration as part of a CandidateFulfillmentGroupOffer.
    • setCandidateQualifiersMap

      public void setCandidateQualifiersMap(Map<ItemCriteriaRule,Collection<EnhancedFulfillmentLineItem>> candidateQualifiersMap)
      Map of ItemCriteriaRule from an offer's item qualifier criteria to a Collection of EnhancedFulfillmentLineItem that meet that criteria for this fulfillmentGroup.
      candidateQualifiersMap - Map of ItemCriteriaRule from an offer's item qualifier criteria to a Collection of EnhancedFulfillmentLineItem that meet that criteria for this fulfillmentGroup.
    • setDiscountedAmount

      public void setDiscountedAmount( discountedAmount)
      The amount off this fulfillment group would get if the candidate offer was applied.
      discountedAmount - The amount off this fulfillment group would get if the candidate offer was applied.
    • setDiscountedTotal

      public void setDiscountedTotal( discountedTotal)
      The adjusted discounted price for this candidate fulfillment group if the candidate offer was applied.
      discountedTotal - The adjusted discounted price for this candidate fulfillment group if the candidate offer was applied.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object