Class OfferServiceProperties


@ConfigurationProperties("broadleaf.offer.service") public class OfferServiceProperties extends Object
Configuration properties for Offer Services.
  • Constructor Details

    • OfferServiceProperties

      public OfferServiceProperties()
  • Method Details

    • isFulfillmentItemsIncludedOnRequest

      public boolean isFulfillmentItemsIncludedOnRequest()
      Whether or not fulfillment items will be included on the EnhancedOrder request into the offer engine.
    • isAlwaysRecordCustomerDetailAudit

      public boolean isAlwaysRecordCustomerDetailAudit()
      Whether or not to record every usage of offers in the audit details table.
    • getOrderOfferRounding

      public OrderOfferRoundingProperties getOrderOfferRounding()
      Properties related to offer rounding behaviors for order typed offer.
    • getOrderItemOfferRounding

      public OfferRoundingProperties getOrderItemOfferRounding()
      Properties related to offer rounding behaviors for order item typed offer.
    • isDistributeRoundedRemainders

      public boolean isDistributeRoundedRemainders()
      Whether the rounded remainders should be distributed across given MonetaryAmounts in MoneyRoundingHelper.roundListOfMonetaryAmounts(Map, MonetaryAmount, CurrencyUnit).
    • isValidateOfferHasCurrency

      public boolean isValidateOfferHasCurrency()
      Whether validations to ensure that Offer.getCurrency() is specified if any MonetaryAmount fields are defined, such as Offer.getCartSubtotal().
    • setFulfillmentItemsIncludedOnRequest

      public void setFulfillmentItemsIncludedOnRequest(boolean fulfillmentItemsIncludedOnRequest)
      Whether or not fulfillment items will be included on the EnhancedOrder request into the offer engine.
    • setAlwaysRecordCustomerDetailAudit

      public void setAlwaysRecordCustomerDetailAudit(boolean alwaysRecordCustomerDetailAudit)
      Whether or not to record every usage of offers in the audit details table.
    • setOrderOfferRounding

      public void setOrderOfferRounding(OrderOfferRoundingProperties orderOfferRounding)
      Properties related to offer rounding behaviors for order typed offer.
    • setOrderItemOfferRounding

      public void setOrderItemOfferRounding(OfferRoundingProperties orderItemOfferRounding)
      Properties related to offer rounding behaviors for order item typed offer.
    • setDistributeRoundedRemainders

      public void setDistributeRoundedRemainders(boolean distributeRoundedRemainders)
      Whether the rounded remainders should be distributed across given MonetaryAmounts in MoneyRoundingHelper.roundListOfMonetaryAmounts(Map, MonetaryAmount, CurrencyUnit).
    • setValidateOfferHasCurrency

      public void setValidateOfferHasCurrency(boolean validateOfferHasCurrency)
      Whether validations to ensure that Offer.getCurrency() is specified if any MonetaryAmount fields are defined, such as Offer.getCartSubtotal().
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object