Interface MarketingMessageOfferCandidateService<P extends Offer>

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface MarketingMessageOfferCandidateService<P extends Offer>
This service is responsible for finding all the active Offers related to a EnhancedLineItem in order to provide the ItemMarketingMessageResolver to retrieve every relevant MarketingMessage.
Samarth Dhruva (samarthd)
  • Method Details

    • isCriteriaMatched

      boolean isCriteriaMatched(@NonNull @NonNull EnhancedLineItem item, @NonNull @NonNull ItemCriteria criteria)
      Determines whether the EnhancedLineItem matches the ItemCriteria. Since there's no order yet, usually, this will only check the ItemCriteriaRule#getRule() rule expression} for each rule and not the number of matches required.
      item - Item to determine whether it matches the criteria
      criteria - Criteria to match
      Whether item matches criteria.