Interface ActiveDateEntity

All Known Implementing Classes:
Campaign, JpaMarketingMessage, MarketingMessage, Offer, OfferCode

public interface ActiveDateEntity
This class allows for reuse of active date logic within the offer service. It was intentionally duplicated instead of using the similar ActiveAware interface that is intended to be used as part of persistence and may be subject to future change.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default boolean
    checkActiveDates( contextInfo)
    Returns true if this entity is active.
    default boolean
    checkActiveDates( contextInfo, boolean treatNullStartAsInactive, boolean treatNullEndAsInactive)
    Returns true if this entity is active using parameters to determine how null start or end dates impact whether the entity is active.
    The time at which this entity becomes inactive for storefront consumption.
    The time at which this entity becomes active for storefront consumption.
  • Method Details

    • getActiveStartDate

      Instant getActiveStartDate()
      The time at which this entity becomes active for storefront consumption. Can be null, in which case the item is always active.
      The time at which this entity becomes active for storefront consumption
    • getActiveEndDate

      Instant getActiveEndDate()
      The time at which this entity becomes inactive for storefront consumption. Can be null, in which case the item does not expire.
      The time at which this entity becomes inactive for storefront consumption
    • checkActiveDates

      default boolean checkActiveDates( contextInfo)
      Returns true if this entity is active. For the purpose of this interface, nulls are considered active. For some entities, it should be noted, a null start date is not considered active.
      entity -
      contextInfo -
    • checkActiveDates

      default boolean checkActiveDates( contextInfo, boolean treatNullStartAsInactive, boolean treatNullEndAsInactive)
      Returns true if this entity is active using parameters to determine how null start or end dates impact whether the entity is active.
      contextInfo - context information around sandbox and multitenant state
      treatNullStartAsInactive - Returns false if this is true and start is null
      treatNullEndAsInactive - Returns false if this is true and end is null
      true if this entity is active based on passed in parameters