Class MenuItem

    • Constructor Detail

      • MenuItem

        public MenuItem()
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public String getId()
        The context ID of the menu item.
        the context ID of the menu item
      • getParentMenuItemId

        public String getParentMenuItemId()
        The context ID of the menu item this menu item should be under.

        This is optional, as menu items don't have to be under another menu item. If this value is not set, this menu item will be a top level menu-item in its named menu.

        If this value is set, then this menu item will appear directly under the specified menu item, however deep that parent menu item is in the overall navigation tree.

        (optional) the context ID of the menu item this item should appear under
      • getParentMenuId

        public String getParentMenuId()
        The context ID of the named Menu this menu item should be under.

        This is required for all menu items regardless of whether they are top-level or deeply nested under other items.

        If the parent menu item is not set, then this item will appear in the first level of this specified named menu. Otherwise, it will only appear directly under that specified menu item in the tree of this menu.

        the context ID of the named menu whose tree this item should appear in
      • getLabel

        public String getLabel()
        The user-visible label for this menu item.
        the user-visible label for this menu item
      • getUrl

        public String getUrl()
        The url that is visited when the menu item is clicked.
        the url that is visited when the menu item is clicked
      • getDisplayOrder

        public Long getDisplayOrder()
        The order in which this item should be displayed relative to its siblings in the navigation tree.
        the order in which this item should be displayed relative to its siblings
      • getImageUrl

        public String getImageUrl()
        The url of the image that should be rendered (as an <img/>) when displaying this menu item.

        This field is optional.

        (optional) url of the image that should be rendered when displaying this menu item
        See Also:
      • getImageAltText

        public String getImageAltText()
        If imageUrl is set, this field should contain the alt text for that image.
        the alt text that should be used for the image (if set)
      • getCustomHtml

        public String getCustomHtml()
        The HTML that should be used to display the menu item.

        This field is optional, and is intended to enable customization of the display of the menu item.

        (optional) the HTML that should be used to display the menu item
      • getType

        public String getType()
        The type of menu item. For instance, this could be a link to a category, product, or CMS page.
        The type of menu item.
        See Also:
      • getContextState

        public getContextState()
        A subset of Tracking information to expose the context state for this object.
        Specified by:
        getContextState in interface
        a subset of Tracking information to expose the context state for this object
      • setId

        public void setId​(String id)
        The context ID of the menu item.
        id - the context ID of the menu item
      • setParentMenuItemId

        public void setParentMenuItemId​(String parentMenuItemId)
        The context ID of the menu item this menu item should be under.

        This is optional, as menu items don't have to be under another menu item. If this value is not set, this menu item will be a top level menu-item in its named menu.

        If this value is set, then this menu item will appear directly under the specified menu item, however deep that parent menu item is in the overall navigation tree.

        parentMenuItemId - (optional) the context ID of the menu item this item should appear under
      • setParentMenuId

        public void setParentMenuId​(String parentMenuId)
        The context ID of the named Menu this menu item should be under.

        This is required for all menu items regardless of whether they are top-level or deeply nested under other items.

        If the parent menu item is not set, then this item will appear in the first level of this specified named menu. Otherwise, it will only appear directly under that specified menu item in the tree of this menu.

        parentMenuId - the context ID of the named menu whose tree this item should appear in
      • setLabel

        public void setLabel​(String label)
        The user-visible label for this menu item.
        label - the user-visible label for this menu item
      • setUrl

        public void setUrl​(String url)
        The url that is visited when the menu item is clicked.
        url - the url that is visited when the menu item is clicked
      • setDisplayOrder

        public void setDisplayOrder​(Long displayOrder)
        The order in which this item should be displayed relative to its siblings in the navigation tree.
        displayOrder - the order in which this item should be displayed relative to its siblings
      • setImageUrl

        public void setImageUrl​(String imageUrl)
        The url of the image that should be rendered (as an <img/>) when displaying this menu item.

        This field is optional.

        imageUrl - (optional) url of the image that should be rendered when displaying this menu item
        See Also:
      • setImageAltText

        public void setImageAltText​(String imageAltText)
        If imageUrl is set, this field should contain the alt text for that image.
        imageAltText - the alt text that should be used for the image (if set)
      • setCustomHtml

        public void setCustomHtml​(String customHtml)
        The HTML that should be used to display the menu item.

        This field is optional, and is intended to enable customization of the display of the menu item.

        customHtml - (optional) the HTML that should be used to display the menu item
      • setType

        public void setType​(String type)
        The type of menu item. For instance, this could be a link to a category, product, or CMS page.
        type - The type of menu item.
        See Also:
      • setContextState

        public void setContextState​( contextState)
        A subset of Tracking information to expose the context state for this object.
        Specified by:
        setContextState in interface
        contextState - a subset of Tracking information to expose the context state for this object
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object