Interface StockChangeNotificationService

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface StockChangeNotificationService
    Component to notify other systems or processes that stock for a SKU has become available or unavailable for a tenant or application.
    Kelly Tisdell (ktisdell)
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void notifyOfStockChange​(String skuCode, int previousQuantityAvailable, int newQuantityAvailable, contextInfo)
      API to notify, typically via an asynchronous message, that stock has become available or unavailable for a tenant or application.
    • Method Detail

      • notifyOfStockChange

        void notifyOfStockChange​(@NonNull
                                 String skuCode,
                                 int previousQuantityAvailable,
                                 int newQuantityAvailable,
        API to notify, typically via an asynchronous message, that stock has become available or unavailable for a tenant or application.
        skuCode -
        previousQuantityAvailable -
        newQuantityAvailable -
        contextInfo -