Class InventoryTransactionMissingException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class InventoryTransactionMissingException
    extends RuntimeException
    Thrown if, during inventory adjustment (e.g. refund, cancellation, fulfillment), an expected inventory transaction doesn't exist.

    For example, after checkout when fulfilling an order, if an item has an inventory reservation strategy that is not 'NEVER', we should see a transaction record with the type 'HARD_RESERVED'. If this record doesn't exist, there was likely some sort of issue during the checkout process that caused this transaction to not create.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • InventoryTransactionMissingException

        public InventoryTransactionMissingException()
      • InventoryTransactionMissingException

        public InventoryTransactionMissingException​(String message)
      • InventoryTransactionMissingException

        public InventoryTransactionMissingException​(String message,
                                                    Throwable cause)
      • InventoryTransactionMissingException

        public InventoryTransactionMissingException​(Throwable cause)
      • InventoryTransactionMissingException

        protected InventoryTransactionMissingException​(String message,
                                                       Throwable cause,
                                                       boolean enableSuppression,
                                                       boolean writableStackTrace)