Class AbstractQueueProvider

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractQueueProvider

        public AbstractQueueProvider​(int queueSize)
    • Method Detail

      • getQueueRegistry

        protected final Map<,​ReindexQueue<?>> getQueueRegistry()
        Get the registry map registering ReindexQueue to IndexableType.
        a map registering a queue for each indexable type
      • getOrCreateQueue

        public final <T> ReindexQueue<T> getOrCreateQueue​(@NonNull
                                                          @NonNull type)
        Description copied from interface: QueueProvider
        Get the Queue for the given IndexableType. If the Queue does not exist yet, creates a new queue and registers it for the type.

        When creating a new Queue, the ReindexQueue.getQueueName() will be 'IndexableType.getType()'. For example, 'PRODUCT'.

        Specified by:
        getOrCreateQueue in interface QueueProvider
        type - the type to get or create the queue for
        the queue registered for the type
      • createQueue

        protected abstract <T> ReindexQueue<T> createQueue​( type)
        Create a new queue for the given IndexableType.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of object the queue will hold
        type - the type to create a queue for
        a new queue for the indexable type
      • destroyQueue

        public final void destroyQueue​(ReindexQueue<?> queue)
        Description copied from interface: QueueProvider
        Takes the necessary steps to remove or destroy the Queue, if necessary. Otherwise, this will be a pass-through (e.g. when the Queue is in-memory and has no cleanup requirements).
        Specified by:
        destroyQueue in interface QueueProvider
        queue - the queue to be destroyed
        Throws: - if an error occurs trying to destroy the queue
      • destroyQueueInternal

        protected abstract void destroyQueueInternal​(ReindexQueue<?> queue)
        Takes the necessary steps to remove or destroy the Queue, if necessary. Otherwise, this will be a pass-through (e.g. when the Queue is in-memory and has no cleanup requirements).
        queue - the queue to be destroyed
      • getQueueSize

        protected int getQueueSize()
        The maximum allowed size of the queue.
        maximum allowed size of the queue