Interface SearchIndexMasterProcessLauncher

    • Method Detail

      • rebuildIndex

        void rebuildIndex()
        Rebuilds an entire index. Index is typically Solr or ElasticSearch, but could be any type of search-able index. This is the entry point for rebuilding an index, and is often run in a background thread.
        Throws: - if an error occurs preventing indexing
      • rebuildIndex

        void rebuildIndex​(Map<String,​Serializable> context)
        Rebuilds an entire index. Index is typically Solr or ElasticSearch, but could be any type of search-able index. This is the entry point for rebuilding an index, and is often run in a background thread.
        context - arbitrary contextual information to be passed to the process launcher
        Throws: - if an error occurs preventing indexing
      • isActive

        boolean isActive()
        Indicates if this process is currently executing.
        whether this process is currently executing
      • forceStop

        void forceStop()
        Method to forcibly stop a running index job. If the job is not running, this will have no affect.
      • getElapsedTime

        long getElapsedTime()
        Returns the elapsed time in millis, or -1 if the system is not running or if this is not the master instance.
        the elapsed time in millis, or -1 if the system is not running or if this is not the master instance