Class DefaultDocumentBuilderHelper

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultDocumentBuilderHelper

        public DefaultDocumentBuilderHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • readValueByPath

        public Object readValueByPath​(com.jayway.jsonpath.DocumentContext context,
        Read the value of the field from the given context object.
        Specified by:
        readValueByPath in interface DocumentBuilderHelper
        context - the object to read from
        field - the field to read the value of
        the value of the field on the object, or null if not found
      • readCombinedMultiValuePath

        public Iterable<Object> readCombinedMultiValuePath​(com.jayway.jsonpath.DocumentContext context,
                                                           String rootPath,
                                                           List<String> paths,
                                                           String delimiter)
        Read the values at the root path on the given context object, using a combination of paths to produce a single delimited value for each of them.
        context - the object to read from
        rootPath - the path to the list of object values
        paths - the paths to read the value at
        delimiter - the delimiter to combine the values with
        the value at the path on the object, or null if not found
      • readCombinedSingleValuePath

        public Object readCombinedSingleValuePath​(com.jayway.jsonpath.DocumentContext context,
                                                  List<String> paths,
                                                  String delimiter)
        Read the value at the path on the given context object, using a combination of paths to produce a single delimited value.
        context - the object to read from
        paths - the paths to read the value at
        delimiter - the delimiter to combine the values with
        the value at the path on the object, or null if not found
      • readValueByPath

        public Object readValueByPath​(com.jayway.jsonpath.DocumentContext context,
                                      String path)
        Read the value at the path on the given context object.
        Specified by:
        readValueByPath in interface DocumentBuilderHelper
        context - the object to read from
        path - the path to read the value at
        the value at the path on the object, or null if not found