Class ProcessStateHolder

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    IndexableTypeAware, Serializable

    public class ProcessStateHolder
    extends Object
    implements Serializable, IndexableTypeAware
    This component is a container for allowing thread-safe access to state across a global, in JVM process (e.g. a process that is multi-threaded). This should typically be accessed by control or flow components. You must start and end the process to prevent memory leaks and other side effects:

    ReindexStateHolder.startProcessState(IndexableType.PRODUCT); try { ... //Do a full re-index, likely across multiple threads. } finally { ReindexStateHolder.endProcessState(IndexableType.PRODUCT); }

    This is useful for determining if a process has failed, or for causing a process to fail fast across multiple threads.

    Kelly Tisdell (ktisdell)
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ProcessStateHolder

        public ProcessStateHolder​(@NonNull
                                  @NonNull indexableType,
                                  boolean master)
    • Method Detail

      • failFast

        public void failFast()
        Tells the system to arbitrarily fail without a specific exception.
      • failFast

        public void failFast​(@Nullable
                             Throwable th)
        Notifies that the process has failed and keeps track of the Throwables passed in. This allows other threads to monitor this state and fail the entire process fast if other thread reported a failure.
        th - the error which caused the process failure
      • isFailed

        public boolean isFailed()
        Indicates if the process has been notified as failing by one or more threads.
        whether or not the process is failed
      • getFirstFailure

        public Throwable getFirstFailure()
        More than one thread can potentially report an error.
        the first Throwable that was reported, which caused the process to fail.
      • getAllFailures

        public List<ProcessStateHolder.ProcessFailure> getAllFailures()
        More than one thread may have reported an error before realizing that the process failed. This keeps track of all exceptions in order, and returns the list. It is possible that the list is empty, if someone passed in a null Throwable when failing the process.
        the errors causing the process to fail, in order
      • getAdditionalProperty

        public Object getAdditionalProperty​(String key)
        Returns an arbitrary Object in a map, based on the provided key.
        key - the key to get the arbitrary additional property
        the property for the key
      • getAdditionalProperties

        public Map<String,​Object> getAdditionalProperties()
        Returns an unmodifiable map of all additional properties. This is an arbitrary map of key/value pairs, where the key is a String and value is an Object.
        all of the stored arbitrary additional properties
      • setAdditionalProperty

        public void setAdditionalProperty​(String key,
                                          Serializable value)
        Allows callers to set arbitrary state with key/value pairs for a particular process. This is thread safe and is managed via a map.
        key - the key for the property to set
        value - the value to set for the property
      • incrementOrDecrementLongPropertyVal

        public void incrementOrDecrementLongPropertyVal​(String key,
                                                        long incrementBy)
        Provides a thread-safe, atomic way to increment an arbitrary Number value in the additional properties map. If the property does not exist, it will be incremented (or decremented) from zero. If the property already exists and is not a long value, a ClassCastException will be thrown. A negative number can be used to decrement.
        key - the key for the property to update
        incrementBy - the amount to update the value by
      • incrementOrDecrementIntPropertyVal

        public void incrementOrDecrementIntPropertyVal​(String key,
                                                       int incrementBy)
        Provides a thread-safe, atomic way to increment an arbitrary Integer value in the additional properties map. If the property does not exist, it will be incremented (or decremented) from zero. If the property already exists and is not a long value, a ClassCastException will be thrown. A negative number can be used to decrement.
        key - the key for the property to update
        incrementBy - the amount to update the value by
      • removeAdditionalProperty

        public Object removeAdditionalProperty​(String key)
        Allows callers to remove an arbitrary entry from a map.
        key - the key of the property to remove
        the value of the removed property
      • incrementIndexableItemsProcessed

        public void incrementIndexableItemsProcessed()
        Increment the number of indexable items processed.
      • incrementIndexableItemsProcessed

        public void incrementIndexableItemsProcessed​(long itemsProcessed)
        Increment the number of indexable items processed by the given value.
        itemsProcessed - the amount to increment
      • getIndexableItemsProcessed

        public long getIndexableItemsProcessed()
        Get the number of indexable items processed.
        the number of indexable items processed
      • setExpectedIndexableItemsToProcess

        public void setExpectedIndexableItemsToProcess​(long expectedIndexableItemsToProcess)
        Set the number of expected indexable items to process.
        expectedIndexableItemsToProcess - the number of expected indexable items to process
      • getExpectedIndexableItemsToProcess

        public long getExpectedIndexableItemsToProcess()
        Get the number of expected indexable items to process.
        the number of expected indexable items to process
      • incrementNodeCount

        public void incrementNodeCount()
        Increment the number of nodes that workers are running on.
      • getNodeCount

        public int getNodeCount()
        Get the number of nodes that workers are running on.
        the number of nodes that workers are running on
      • incrementTotalThreadCount

        public void incrementTotalThreadCount​(int threads)
        Increment the number of worker threads across all nodes.
        threads - the amount to increment
      • getTotalThreadCount

        public int getTotalThreadCount()
        Get the number of worker threads across all nodes.
        the number of worker threads across all nodes
      • isMaster

        public boolean isMaster()
        Indicates if this JVM kicked off the process for this IndexableType.
        whether this JVM kicked off the process for this IndexableType
      • getIndexableType

        public getIndexableType()
        The indexable type for the reindex process this state holder belongs to.
        Specified by:
        getIndexableType in interface IndexableTypeAware
        the indexable type for the reindex process
      • getTimeStartedMillis

        public long getTimeStartedMillis()
        The time the process state holder was created.
        the time the process state holder was created
      • getCorrelationId

        public String getCorrelationId()
        UUID that is assigned per process, per node. Each new process will receive a new UUID for each participating node.
        UUID for this process on this node