Class IndexerProperties

  • @ConfigurationProperties(prefix="broadleaf.indexer")
    public class IndexerProperties
    extends Object
    Properties used for indexer configuration.
    • Constructor Detail

      • IndexerProperties

        public IndexerProperties()
    • Method Detail

      • getWorkerThreads

        public int getWorkerThreads()
        The number of worker threads which should be started on a reindex process.
        number of worker threads on a reindex process
      • getCompletionPauseTime

        public long getCompletionPauseTime()
        This is the time that the main control thread will pause on indexing process completion to allow other threads to finish what they are doing or catch up.
        time to wait on indexing completion for other threads finishing
      • setWorkerThreads

        public void setWorkerThreads​(int workerThreads)
        The number of worker threads which should be started on a reindex process.
        workerThreads - number of worker threads on a reindex process
      • setCompletionPauseTime

        public void setCompletionPauseTime​(long completionPauseTime)
        This is the time that the main control thread will pause on indexing process completion to allow other threads to finish what they are doing or catch up.
        completionPauseTime - time to wait on indexing completion for other threads finishing
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object