Class AbstractBatchIndexRequestHandler

  • public abstract class AbstractBatchIndexRequestHandler
    extends Object
    BatchIndexRequestHandlers are responsible for listening for channel events (BatchIndexRequest) associated with a specific Indexable repository domain type. These events are emitted in response to completion of bulk change operations, such as an import of product records.
    Jeff Fischer
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractBatchIndexRequestHandler

        public AbstractBatchIndexRequestHandler​(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper objectMapper)
    • Method Detail

      • hook

        public abstract void hook​(String batchIndexRequest)
        Hook point for message listeners to bind to the input channel with @StreamListener. Implementations of this method generally delegate to handle(String). It is generally important that each input channel name is unique in order to guarantee other listeners will still process the persistence message, even if one or more other listeners throw exceptions. As a corollary, there will also generally be a unique @Input annotated SubscribableChannel instance per listener tied to the unique input channel.
        batchIndexRequest - The JSON representation of the request
      • handle

        public void handle​(String batchIndexRequest)
        Entry point for the handler. This method will review the json representation and evaluate suitability against the getSupportedSimpleTypeNames() types. If appropriate, processBatchIndexRequest(JsonNode) is called.
        batchIndexRequest - The JSON representation of the single index request
      • isValidType

        public boolean isValidType​(String reportedType)
        Determine if the reported type (i.e. BatchIndexableType) of the incoming message is appropriate for this handler.
        reportedType - the reported type of the originating entity on the incoming message
        Whether or not the type is supported by this handler
        See Also:
      • addNotFoundIndexables

        protected <T extends<?>> void addNotFoundIndexables​(List<?> chunk,
                                                                                                              List<T> indexables,
                                                                                                              String batchIndexableType)
        Add any indexables that were not found to the supplied list of indexables. This allows these not found indexables to be deleted in the reindex flow.
        chunk - The ID chunk
        indexables - The indexables that were found
        batchIndexableType - The type of the indexable batch
      • getSupportedSimpleTypeNames

        public abstract String[] getSupportedSimpleTypeNames()
        The simple originating BatchIndexableType names supported by this handler.
        The array of simple type names supported by this handler
        See Also:
      • processBatchIndexRequest

        public abstract void processBatchIndexRequest​(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode batchIndexRequest)
        Handle the JSON representation of the BatchIndexRequest message that has been deemed appropriate for this handler based on comparing the expected batchIndexableType parameter in the JSON against the generic type of the handler implementation.
        batchIndexRequest - The JSON representation of the batch index request
        Throws: - thrown if the reindexing process is unsuccessful
      • setTypeFactory

        public void setTypeFactory​(com.broadleafcommerce.common.extension.TypeFactory typeFactory)
      • getObjectMapper

        protected com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper getObjectMapper()
      • getTypeFactory

        protected com.broadleafcommerce.common.extension.TypeFactory getTypeFactory()